
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp     baking power
2 tbsp    speculaas sipces (see below)
3/4 cup   brown sugar
1         stick unsalted butter
2 tbsp    milk
1/4 tsp   vanilla extract
Put all ingredients in a bowl. With a pair of knives, chip and cut the butter down to pea-size. Knead the mixture into a ball of dough. I start with a small amount, knead it on the counter until homogeneous, then add from the bowl and work it in. Roll and fold the final ball of dough several times.

Store in the fridge in a ziplock bag, for 24 hours if you have the time. This dough keeps for a long time.

This can be used several ways:

- Roll it out to 1/8", cut with cookie cutters,

- Kruidnoten (buttons): With a 1/2 tsp spoon I press small .5tsp amounts from the dough ball, roll them into balls and press them onto a cookie sheet. Makes hundreds.

- If you have a relief-carved cookie board, flour lightly, press the dough in, cut level with knife, and turn out onto cookie sheet.

Bake at 325 for 15 or so minutes, until the bottoms start getting dark. I usually add several buttons to the cookie sheet so I can check themfor color. Thinner pieces darken faster.

Speculaas spices can be bought online nowadays (search for 'speculaas kruiden'). In case you don't have any, I have several mixes you canuse:
3 parts cinnamon
1 part ground cloves
1 part mace
1 part anise

3 parts cinnamon
3 parts cloves
2 parts ginger
1 part nutmeg

Hubert van Hecke
Last modified: Fri Dec 24 12:07:16 MST 2010