Photocathode studies

Work done at UNM, starting July 2014. We received two samples of GaAs, on glass slides. The samples are about 10×10 mm.
We mounted one sample in order to check the semiconductor properties of the sample.
Lights off: ~infinite resistance, lights on: conductace.
Make a transparent mesh to see if we can pull electrons out of the surface. Doug had some 20μm wire. Notch the edges of a small board with a 4/40 screw and a slotted standoff.
Wrap with the wire, using the notches as a guide, solder on the side away from the photocathode.
We set up in a dark box.

No light-dependent current seen on the grid.
Next: set up in the vacuum chamber. (this is the controller for the xyz table in the vac chamber. If we use it, we need to get a serial-to-usb converter, and a driver.

Hubert Van Hecke
Last modified: Thu Sep 11 09:18:43 MDT 2014