
Characters "design-o-rama" at glassdog
I copied this page straight from Glassdog, (check them out, it's great site for web design), and placed it here for quicker reference.

Sometimes you need special characters to get special things done.


Okay, look at your keyboard for a second. Besides all the letters and numbers, you'll see all sorts of other characters used for special functions like &, ­, ¹, «, <, etc. And while writing a document, you sometimes need to display other characters like ©, ®, ™, ¶ and so on. And you may also occasionally need special letters so you can correctly spell words like résumé and piñata and Bård Edlund (who probably never imagined that his name would be used as an example, but life's funny sometimes).

The fact that you're looking at this page and seeing the copyright and trademark marks and the less-than and uppercase 1 and so forth should clue you in on what the smart people who wrote up HTML thought of first - special characters!

Your next question is likely, okay, what are all the special characters?

I'm so glad you asked...


Here they are!

Aren't you thrilled? Now, you won't use them all, but you'll undoubtedly need to use some. And if you look at this page and your browser is showing the HTML definition of the character instead of the character itself, that means your browser does not interpret that character, not that the character is not included in the HTML standard. It may also mean that the font set you've chosen as your default display does not include all the characters, so you might see a square in place of the character.

After all, it's not like we're just making this up as we go.

Included below are the numerical and entity references for the characters listed. To use the numerical entity, you would type &#the number; on your HTML source. So, for example, to show an ampersand (&) you could type either &amp; or &#36; If no Entity Reference is shown, then guess what? There isn't one! Duh.

Char Dec.  Entity        Char    Decimal   Entity
           Ref.                            Ref.

"      34     &quot;           #       35

$      36                      %       37

&      38     &amp;            '       39

(      40                      )       41

*      42                      +       43

,      44                      -       45

.      46                      /       47

:      58                      ;       59

<      60       &lt;           =       61

>      62       &gt;           ?       63

@      64                      [       91

\      92                      ]       93

^      94                      _       95

`      96                      {      123

|     124                      }      125

~     126                    DEL      127

      160     &nbsp;           ¡      161       &iexcl;

¢     162     &cent;           £      163       &pound;

¤     164     &curren;         ¥      165       &yen;

¦     166     &brvbar;         §      167       &sect;

¨     168     &uml;            ©      169       &copy;

ª     170     &ordf;           «      171       &laquo;

¬     172     &not;            ­      173       &shy;

®     174     &reg;            ¯      175       &macr;

°     176     &deg;            ±      177       &plusmn;

²     178     &sup2;           ³      179       &sup3;

´     180     &acute;          µ      181       &micro;

¶     182     &para;           ·      183       &middot;

¸     184     &cedil;          ¹      185       &sup1;

º     186     &ordm;           »      187       &raquo;

¼     188     &frac14;         ½      189       &frac12;

¾     190     &frac34;         ¿      191       &iquest;

À     192     &Agrave;         Á      193       &Aacute;

     194     &Acirc;          à     195       &Atilde;

Ä     196     &Auml;           Å      197       &Aring;

Æ     198     &AElig;          Ç      199       &Ccedil;

È     200     &Egrave;         É      201       &Eacute;

Ê     202     &Ecirc;          Ë      203       &Euml;

Ì     204     &Igrave;         Í      205       &Iacute;

Î     206     &Icirc;          Ï      207       &Iuml;

Ð     208     &ETH;            Ñ      209       &Ntilde;

Ò     210     &Ograve;         Ó      211       &Oacute;

Ô     212     &Ocirc;          Õ      213       &Otilde;

Ö     214     &Ouml;           ×      215       &times;

Ø     216     &Oslash;         Ù      217       &Ugrave;

Ú     218     &Uacute;         Û      219       &Ucirc;

Ü     220     &Uuml;           Ý      221       &Yacute;

Þ     222     &THORN;          ß      223       &szlig;

à     224     &agrave;         á      225       &aacute;

â     226     &acirc;          ã      227       &atilde;

ä     228     &auml;           å      229       &aring;

æ     230     &aelig;          ç      231       &ccedil;

è     232     &egrave;         é      233       &eacute;

ê     234     &ecirc;          ë      235       &euml;

ì     236     &igrave;         í      237       &iacute;

î     238     &icirc;          ï      239       &iuml;

ð     240     &eth;            ñ      241       &ntilde;

ò     242     &ograve;         ó      243       &oacute;

ô     244     &ocirc;          õ      245       &otilde;

ö     246     &ouml;           ÷      247       &divide;

ø     248     &oslash;         ù      249       &ugrave;

ú     250     &uacute;         û      251       &ucirc;

ü     252     &uuml;           ý      253       &yacute;

þ     254     &thorn;          ÿ      255       &yuml;