'Laser-trapped radium atoms for an EDM search' Abstract: Permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) in atoms or molecules are signatures of Time (T)-and Parity (P)-violation and represent an important window onto physics beyond the Standard Model.Ê We are developing a next generation EDM search around laser-cooled and trapped Ra-225 (t1/2 = 15 d).Ê Due to octupole deformation of the nucleus, Ra-225 is predicted to be two to three orders of magnitude more sensitive to T-violating interactions than Hg-199, which currently sets the most stringent limits in the nuclear sector.Ê We will discuss our progress, including the successful laser-cooling and trapping of Ra-225 and Ra-226 atoms.Ê We have demonstrated transverse cooling, Zeeman slowing, and capture of Ra-225 and Ra-226 atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT).Ê By driving a second atomic transition, we have extended the lifetime of the trap from milliseconds to seconds and measured a number of atomic properties in the little-studied radium atom. Surprisingly, we have demonstrated that room temperature blackbody radiation from our trap apparatus actually assists in the trapping of radium.Ê I will discuss this progress and outline our measurement scheme and expected sensitivity for the EDM measurement.