Marisilvia Donadelli, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Candidate for Postdoctoral Appointment with P-25
ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) is a general purpose experiment operating at
the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Its research program is mainly focused on
the investigation of processes beyond the Standard Model, but it also
includes a wide set of studies
on the production of heavy quarkonium states. The large amount of data
collected during the successful LHC Run 1 at unprecedent center-of-mass
collision energies for p+p, Pb+Pb and p+Pb species, have
provided valuable samples to benchmark detector performance
based on the reconstruction of known particles with c and b quark
content and serve as an important testing ground for QCD calculations.
During my talk I will present an overview of quarkonia production
measured in ATLAS via the di-muon decay channel. The number of
quarkonia candidates are extracted from observed di-muon pairs, applying
event weights to unfold the response of the detector,
reconstruction and trigger efficiency. The quarkonia yields are determined
in regions of the di-muon transverse momentum, rapidity, and centrality,
which is event activity that classifies the collision geometry in
p+A and A+A collisions, often taken to be
the transverse energy at large rapidities. The most recent ATLAS
measurements on quarkonia production cross sections will be presented.