2019 Physics/Theoretical Colloquium Thursday, March 28th, 2019 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg. 1) Refreshments at 3:15pm Speaker: Marcel Demarteau Director of the High Energy Physics (HEP) Division Argonne National Laboratory “Quantum Sensors and High Energy Physics" Abstract: It is generally recognized that we are experiencing a second quantum revolution. Quantum sensing plays a unique and central role in the new quantum revolution. It is providing many of the early successes of Quantum Information Science, leveraging and advancing the development of new quantum devices. At the very same time the field of high energy physics is experiencing a shift in approach to address the vexing, unanswered questions aimed at providing a more complete picture of the composition and evolution of the universe. The confluence of these two events has seen an enthusiastic collaboration between these two science disciplines, opening up a range of cost-effective tabletop experiments that could provide precision measurements not previously possible. The nascent impact of quantum sensing on particle physics will be illustrated, as well as areas where particle physics can contribute to quantum information science. This synergy bodes well for the fundamental sciences; challenges facing a most effective path forward will be indicated.