VIRTUAL Thursday, March 10th 2022 3:45 – 4:45 pm (MT) WEBEX Speaker: Alan B. Carr Laboratory’s Senior Historian Secure Information Services (WRS-SIS) Los Alamos National Laboratory “Mr. Los Alamos: The Life, the Times and the Laboratory of Norris E. Bradbury” Abstract: The public museum in Los Alamos is named after the Laboratory’s second Director, Norris E. Bradbury. But why? Mr. Los Alamos examines the fascinating life of Norris Bradbury, who led the Laboratory for a quarter century. The lecture also explores the political landscape of the early Cold War years from the Los Alamos perspective, by introducing the Laboratory’s postwar pioneers and the ingenious technologies they devised. Bio: Alan B. Carr was hired by Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2003 after completing his graduate work in history at Texas Tech University. As an historian, he has appraised thousands of sets of records held by Laboratory organizations for historical value. Over the years, Alan has produced several publications pertaining to the Manhattan Project, nuclear weapons testing and the Laboratory's development during the Cold War years. He has lectured for numerous professional organizations and been featured as a guest on many local, national and international radio and television programs. He currently serves as a Program Manager and the Senior Historian for the Laboratory. Alan B. Carr was honored recipient of the 2020 Individual Distinguished Performance Award which are awarded to individuals “recognized for their dedication, effort and outstanding sustained performance. These individuals helped support our transformation science in a safe, secure workplace.” Great youtube history channel by Historian Alan B. Carr Alan: