How to Download and Configure PuTTY for Windows



The following are some tweaks that allow you to set the display the way you want it.  To change
these setting you should select the name of the saved session you wish to modify and hit the LOAD button.

For those of you who want something other the 24x80 display or a different number of lines of
scrollback you should click on the WINDOW category to get the following screen

If you want to change the font size or cursor appearance then click on the APPEARANCE section
to get the following screen

If you find the white on black display not to your liking you should select the COLOURS section in the Windows category to get the following screen.

Select "Default Foreground" (this will be the colour of the text) and hit the MODIFY button to get the following screen

The colour box in the lower left hand corner is full black - or you can get fancy and choose any of the preselected colours or click on the colour pallette and adjust the luminosity control (slider on far right) the get just the colour that makes you happy.   Click OK when you're satisified then do the same for "Default Background" (full white is the lower right box in the basic colours.  You'll need to select the "Session" category and hit save in order to remember these parameters for the next time.