This is from an email on the MVD list.
  1. Reconfigure the MVD -- to be done by Hubert and Jan ~Oct 6-17.
    Done. Also replaced one broken detector.
  2. Test the reconfigured MVD
    Done Nov 2-7
  3. In some packets, the last ~10+-5 words of the first packet in each multiplexed pair are missing. I think this can be solved by increasing the ENDDAT0 time from 139 to ~150 or 160 clock ticks in the GTM file, but this is not proven. If I am right, Hubert and I will fix this as part of testing (item 2). I am am wrong about the source of the problem, it implies some work by IhnJea to understand a potential FPGA problem. Status?
  4. Fix scripts which set up zero-suppression files. These did not run long enough (too few events) last year unless run by hand. This needs to be fixed. Any volunteers? Status?
  5. Maintainance and testing of online codes. Hubert has volunteered to work on online calibration stuff. I do not know how this interacts with online monitoring. Our online monitoring should be set up to help us spot zero-suppression problems (it could, in principle, even update the zero-suppression files -- but this sounds too risky to me). In progress
  6. We should make a set of instructions for MVD experts which consists of a list of tasks to be done each day (or hour or week) and links to the instructions for each of them. Something like:
    1. Check cooling system -- is it operating
    2. Check zero suppression -- if necessary update files
    3. Check noise levels and that all packets are reading out
    Not done
  7. Start list of MVD experts to be on call during the run.
    Not done
  8. Check the mount point alignment, using the alignment box. There are conflicting measurements that need be to be resolved.
    Not done, but: During the installation 3-7 Nov 2003 we noticed that the south mount points seemed to be low (during first installation the N end was centered on the beam pipe, and the South end of the MVD looked low. Also, the S top and N bottom were tight, and the S bottom and N top were loose, to the point where the S bottom piston did not engage the mount pin. I made a fixture for this last problem. Then we had to dismount because of a small water leak, and took the opportunity to move the S mount fixture up be ~2mm. On next installation, everything fit nicely.
  9. Measure the beam pipe position. Last year it was off by ~1cm, causing installation problems. Done: Work done in the fall by Tom Shea confirmed our measurements. Attempts were made to rectify the problem by using movenet available at the bellows in the muon south magnet, t no avail. We were given permission to solve the problem by pushing on the pipe. Jimmy LaBounty put a small wooden block between the pipe and the CM on the SW side.
  10. Get new mount pins. These were requested from Bill Lenz
    Done. We now have 8 spare pins.
  11. Get the broken chiller back from repair - Paul Gianotti has this one
    Done. Jan and I installed it in the N pocket in October. A small leak at the building water supply orange hose was fixed by John Tadeski in November.
  12. Make an exhaust line overflow.
    Done. Jan and I made the new lines, and in Nov this worked fine during the filling of the system.
  13. Think about a chiller-fluid-level monitor. This is how one chiller broke.
    Not done. I did find 2 fluid-level sensors in our cabinet.
  14. Re-establish remote control of the chillers. (got lost when oncs PC was replaced)
    Not done.
  15. Further develop ancillary monitoring scripts.

Issues after the Nov 2003 installation:

Things to remember: