Replacing Al tubes with Cu
The problem:
Each motherboard
has an
Aluminum tube which carries water to cool the "LDO" voltage regulators.
These tubes are part of the
liquid cooling loop for each quadrant of the MVD. In the year-2 run, we saw
significant corrosion in the liquid cooling loop. The Alumin tubes are
glued (epoxy) onto the mother board. In 1 out of 1 prior tests, the tube
came off of the motherboard cleanly.
The solution: We will need to remove the existing aluminum tubes and replace them with copper.
Restrictions: Because we want to do some tests with the complete MVD before disassembling it, we do not want to do this immediately. It will probably wait until late Spring or Early summer of 2002. Some experience with the MVD is needed for this step (or the assistance from an experienced person) mainly because of the complicated procedure for disassembling the MVD excaps and their various fragile parts.