Multiplicity Vertex Detector Talks
at PHENIX Conferences
The PHENIX Multiplicity Vertex Detector
Jehanne Simon-Gillo
PHENIX Collaboration Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, July 26, 1996
PHENIX-MVD-97-17, Phenix Note #299
Status of the MVD
Hubert van Hecke (HTML Version of talk)
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nov. 14, 1996
MVD Anaysis Poster
David Jaffe, Hubert van Hecke
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nov. 11-16, 1996
Jon Kapustinsky, Rick Muck, Chuck Britton, Nance
Ericson, Mark Allen, Mike Emery, Hubert van Hecke
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nov. 11-16, 1996
MVD Presentation at TAC'97
Jehanne Simon-Gillo
TAC'97, Brookhaven National Laboratory, May 2, 1997
MVD Computing Activities,
Hubert van Hecke
Slides shown during the computer day of the June 97 Phenix
Collaboration meeting at BNL
New 3D Capabilities of the MVD
Hubert van Hecke
The PHENIX Multiplicity Vertex Detector
Jehanne Simon-Gillo
Presentation at the PHENIX Collaboration Meeting, December 6 1998, Tokyo, Japan
Hubert van Hecke
Presentation at the PHENIX Collaboration Meeting, February '98, BNL
MVD General Computing Status
Bernd Schlei
Presentation at the PHENIX Collaboration Meeting, February '98, BNL
Jehanne Simon-Gillo (