MVD software "to do" list

The following list of people and jobs was first created in October 1997. Periodically, I remove completed jobs from the list and add new jobs. The previous version of this list is available here.

The following list of things must be done in order to analyze MVD data.

  • Calibrations -- software to take "data" and produce calibrations. Also use calibration database. A relevent web page is here (from Matthias Messer). (SangSoo has some code, it is not in the library and probably will need to be updated).
  • DGO's -- "detector geometry objects" -- one (old) link to a talk on this subject is here. The beginning of a relevant thread on phenix-comp-l is here. (Mike)
  • Online monitoring -- (Tahsina Ferdousi, UCR)
  • improved vertex algorithms -- return confidence level ... (James?)
  • discriminator performance model (James)
  • dead channels -- we have code to define channels as "dead" and turn them off, but nothing to correct for this.

    The following list of things should be done before we analyze MVD data.

  • Convert MVD code to C++ -- ( JeongHwan and Yonsei group)
  • use Phenix messaging system (does it exist?) -- the first order solution is just to switch to "cout" for all output. This is partially done. Maybe it will be done completely when we go to C++.
  • remake CDR plots -- (most, not all, is already done by Mike and John but maybe we ought to organize these plots all in one easy to find place).
  • relational tables (i.e. which hit comes from which particle)
  • speed up code

    updated Aug 17, 1999
    John P. Sullivan