MVD software "to do" list

The following list of people and jobs is based on discussions at MVD group meetings in Los Alamos. The list was created in October 1997. Periodically, I mark the jobs "done" as they are completed.

Complete MVD code conversion to STAF structure - Done (Yonsei)

Convert MVD code to C - Done (Yonsei)

Setup code for mock data challenge

  • create module which converts input zebra format to raw data tables - Done (Yonsei)
  • change code to run using raw data format as input - Done (Yonsei)
  • separation of ``data'' and ``real'' quantities (John/Bernd)
  • use output data tables instead of ntuples (Mike)
  • figure out how to use tables-to-ntuples (tnt) (Mike)
  • finalize output table definition (John)

    Add new code

  • 3D vertex finding (Hubert)
  • noise (Guang Hua)
  • ADC performance (Mike)
  • discriminator performance (John)
  • improved vertex algorithms (James)

    compression of pisa output from MVD? -- secondary priority (John)

    remake CDR plots, include separation of dN/deta from primary and secondary particles (background)

    Calibrations (Ju Kang)

    updated January 22, 1998