Recent changes in MVD software

Changes in this section took place 13-Aug-98:

A list of all modified files:
src/mMvbdNdEta.c and .idl
src/ and .idl (new file replaces mMvcdNdEta.c)
src/ and .idl (new file replaces mMvdHst.c)
src/ and .idl (new file replaces mMvdPseudoTrk.c)
src/ and .idl (new file replaces mMvdSetHst.c)
src/ and .idl (new file replaces mMvdZcor.c)
inc/dMvdMultOut.idl (new file)
inc/dMvdVertexOut.idl (new file, replaces dMvdPseudoTrk.idl and dMvdZcor.idl)

General notes:

mvd98run.kumac and mvd98ini.kumac were changed to make them compatible with the new module calling sequences. These could be used as examples of what needs to be done in luxor.

The new cvs version was tested on the LANL hp's and on rlnx02. I had a minor problem on rlnx02, which I hope is fixed. staf could not find the definition of new table dMvdVertexOut when I used it. It was there, but not "seen" somehow. I put in a comment line in dMvdVertexOut.idl and remade my shared libraries. Everything was suddenly OK. I put this new and improved dMvdVertexOut back into cvs and had no problems with a freshly checkout version on the hp. I assume this problem is gone. I suspect some confusion about file creation dates when I put everything into cvs and took it back out.

This code does not currently work under staf97. I will see if it is easy to fix (I did not even try so far). It could not find an include file for the staf histogram factory. This is easy to fix, but it may be the first symptom of a series of related problems. I suggest using staf98 if you can.

The staf histogram factory worked as advertised. I had to use some root stuff because this generic interface does not have profile histograms or ntuples.

Instructions for building the MVD code in staf can be found at this link.

The following idl files were changed. The changes will require changes in kumac files which run the MVD software.

module tables removed from
calling sequence
tables added to
calling sequence
mMvcdNdEta dMVdHst
mMvdHst dMvdHst
mMvdPseudoTrk dMvdHst
mMvdSetHst dMvdPar
mMvdZcor dMvdZcor
mMvbdNdEta dMvdZcor

Other code changes:

mMvcdNdEta -- Add code to use staf table dMvdVertexOut. This is the "official" MVD vertex output table, which was not really used until now.

mMvdHst -- Add code to fill staf table dMvdVertexOut. This is the "official" MVD vertex output table, which was not really used until now. Moved code which "booked" the histograms from (staf module) mMvdSetHst to this module. Add code to use root for profile histograms and ntuple. Added code to fill a few histograms which were booked but not filled before.

mMvdPseudoTrk -- Add code to fill staf table dMvdVertexOut. Use a local array to find the vertex. Previously an hbook histogram was used. Remove hbook. Add diagnostic histograms (not used to find vertex) using the staf histogram factory. Fixed a 1 bin (300 micron) bug in vertex location.

mMvdSetHst -- Removed almost all code from this routine (it is now in mMvdHst). Now, all it does is create a directory called MVD for MVD histograms (with staf histogram factory calls).

mMvdZcor -- Add code to fill staf table dMvdVertexOut. Use a local array to find the vertex. Previously an hbook histogram was used. Remove hbook. Add diagnostic histograms (not used to find vertex) using the staf histogram factory.

The previous version of this page (dated 13-Jul-98) is here.

updated 13-Aug-1998