Recent changes in MVD software

Changes described in this section took place 30-Apr-98:

The calling sequences to mMvdPseudoTrk, mMvbdNdEta, mMvcdNdEta were changed. This was done to remove the table which contains the correct answer from some routines which calculated or used the vertex position. A few histograms which used the real vertex position in the modules were removed. An algorithm which calculates dN/deta from the MVD pad detectors was modified. A few histograms here and there were changed. Some comments were added here and there.

In the mvd/wrk directory, luxpar.kumac and luxrun.kumac were changed.

In the mvd/src directory, mMvbdNdEta.c, mMvbdNdEta.idl, mMvcdNdEta.c, mMvcdNdEta.idl, mMvdDbase.c, mMvdHst.c, mMvdOccupancy.c, mMvdPseudoTrk.c, mMvdPseudoTrk.idl, mMvdSetHst.c, mMvdSetUcal.c.

In the mvd/inc/ directory dMvdPseudoTrk.idl was changed (only the comment was changed).

For details on this set of changes, see a note sent to the phenix-trksoft-l and phenix-mvd-l listservers on 16-Apr-98.

Changes described in this section took place on 16-Apr-98:

Code to find the vertex in 3D was added by Jeong-Hwan Park (et al?). This was from an idea by Hubert van Hecke which had never made it into staf. Some description of this algorithm (and the comment that it does not work if the vertex is too far off the z axis) can be found in a message Jeong-Hwan sent to the phenix-mvd-l on 16-Apr-98.

A message system was added to the MVD code. Some details can be found in a message John Sullivan sent to the phenix-mvd-l on 16-Apr-98.

The versions of the kumac files
in the mvd cvs repository were were modified to use the new module and the new table associated with the messaging system. Luxor was also updated to produce the correct kumacs for the mvd.

The previous version of this page (dated 6-Feb-98) is here.

updated 30-Apr-1998