offline/packages/mvd/ _______________________________ 1) Added code to correctly calculate the packet number in simulations when filling the dMvdDCM packet numbers. This is done using r/phi information stored in dMvdFEM as the "address" of the packet. Before, this was scrambling the phi locations of the packets in the pads. 2) Default is to turn off event-by-event correction. Can be turned off by commenting out the line which "defines" MVD_NO_EVENT_BY_EVENT at the top of the file. 3) Misc debug output which can be turned off can be turned off be "defining" MVDDCMS_DEBUG_OUT at the top of the file (off by default) offline/packages/mvd/ _______________________________ removed two unused variables (ref_fit, ref_peak) to eliminate warning message offline/packages/mvd/ ______________________________ changed default cut to 4 sigma (used as cut to eliminate noise in dN/deta calculations) offline/packages/mvd/ _______________________________ changed calling sequence of vertex.dNdEta to be compatible with changes made in offline/packages/mvd/ _________________________________ 1) Added code to only save hits from primary particles if MVD_NOBACKGROUND is defined. Added #include "rootAnc.h" to do this In the submitted verison, MVD_NOBACKGROUND is not defined -- meaning the simulation is "normal" with all hits counted. 2) Turn on some debug output if MVD_RESP_DEBUG_OUT is defined. By default, MVD_RESP_DEBUG_OUT is not defined. offline/packages/mvd/ ________________________________ 1) Changed calling sequence to MvdVertex::dNdEta add: const MvdDatabaseNew*, const MvdDatabaseNew*, These were needed to count the active channels. 2) Changed calling sequence to MvdVertex::MvcEta add: double delta_phi needed to correct for partial coverage in phi due to bad channels, etc. 3) MvdVertex::MvbEta, MvdVertex::MvcEta, MvdVertex::Mvcdndetadphi, changed all "float" variables to "double" in calling sequence 4) Major modification of MvdVertex::dNdEta(const vector& pads, ...) a) Created arrays nactive, nhits, obssig to sum up active channels, hits, adc values for each [end][row][wedge]. b) correction to dN/deta for active channels c) correction to dN/deta for noise 5) I put in some debug output into the dN/deta algorithm which can be switched on and off by uncommenting this line at the top of the file: //#define MVD_DNDETA_DEBUG_OUT (i.e. this debug output is turned off in the version committed to cvs). 6) Previously, the "deconvolution" algorithm was commented out for the pads. I have still not fixed that algorithm, but instead of simply commenting it out, I changed it to allow it to be removed or installed with this line: //#define MVD_DECONVOLUTION_ALGORITHM 7) Minor changes in variable types to elminate a few warning messages. sangsu did not want me to use this line so I commented it out: Line 1207 will not work: 1207 good = thismap.get_mspare0(); in counting active channels -- so remove it before submitting to cvs offline/packages/mvd/MvdVertex.hh ________________________________ Changes associated with changes in calling sequence to MvdVertex::dNdEta including 1) some floats changed to doubles 2) add PdbMvdCalib, PdbMvdDeadchannel to calling sequence offline/packages/mvd/MvdResp.hh ------------------------------- Added skev_endcap_noback and skev_barrel_noback which are used to save hits from primaries only offline/packages/mvd/MvdSnglClmpv1.h ------------------------------------ Added comments defining the variables. offline/packages/mvd/ --------------------------------- Modified "Show" method to format output to make it easier to understand. Added #include to do this.