The MVD in pisaRootRead

The pisaRootRead program is intended to read PISA output files for debugging purposes. It is distributed with PISA. There is some old documentation from the simulation group here. It includes PISA and pisaRoorRead. The program is rebuilt daily by Momchil Velkovsky (email:, so there is no need to build it yourself unless you want to change it.

If you have a pisa output file, you can do the following: The program also seems to have the input file name hard-wired to PISAEvent.root (which is the default output file name when running PISA). Go to the directory containing the PISA file. You need to do something like this:
ssh phnxmvd
source .phnx_cshell
setenv CVSLOCAL /phenix/workarea/sullivan/cvs/
cd $CVSLOCAL/simulation/pisa2000/wrk

Then you can run the program:


The output for the mvd is called ancmvd.root. A few sample plots are shown at the bottom of this page.

Look here for details on getting a copy of pisa and running it. However, you do not need to get a private copy of the source code to run it.

If you need to modify pisaRootRead, you can check it out by following the instructions above for getting a copy of pisa. To build it:

cd $CVSLOCAL/simulation/pisa2000/src/root
gmake -f

The program expects to find the library in a directory pointed to by LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you follow th directions above, the local directory (".") will be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. So, one way to run this is just to work in the /simulation/pisa2000/src/root directory. The program also seems to have the input file name hard-wired to PISAEvent.root (which is the default output file name when running PISA). I just added a soft link to this file, working in the /simulation/pisa2000/src/root directory I typed:

ln -s ../../wrk/PISAEvent.root PISAEvent.root

Then you can run the program as described above:


The output for the mvd is called ancmvd.root.

The important part of the code for the MVD is

Here are a few plots, made by typing commands similar to the following:
TFile *tf = new TFile("ancmvd.root");

WFRADR is an address for which piece of Si was hit. In the barrel, it's value is
ILAYER*10000 + NROW*1000 + NWAFER
ILAYER = 1 or 2 (inner or outer barrel)
NROW = 1 - 6 (phi), where 1 is at phi = 240 degrees and the numbers increase in the direction of increasing phi.
NWAFER = 1 - 12 (z) counting from the south end towards the north.

For the pads,
WFRADR = 30000 means the north end
WFRADR = 40000 means the south end.

The phi distribution of hits in the pad detectors:

The phi distribution of all hits in the strip detectors (phi is just phi at the center of the strip):

The phi distribution of the hits in the inner barrel of of strip detectors for z in the range (+-15.9 cm) in which the inner barrel is complete.

The z distribution of hits in the strip detectors:

John Sullivan
comments to:
updated 26-Oct-2000