/*:>-------------------------------------------------------------------- **: FILE: mMvdSetHst.cc **: HISTORY: **: 00jan93-v000a-hpl- Created by stic Version **: Id: idl.y,v 1.17 1997/03/25 19:22:52 ward Exp **:<------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "mMvdSetHst.h" #include "PhHistogramFactory.hh" #include #define LOUD 3 long mMvdSetHst_( TABLE_HEAD_ST *Hst_h, DMVDHST_ST *Hst , TABLE_HEAD_ST *Io_h, DMVDIO_ST *Io ) { /*:>-------------------------------------------------------------------- **: ROUTINE : mMvdSetHst_ **: **: DESCRIPTION : book histograms for vertex detector **: **: AUTHOR : J.H.Park, S.S.Ryu (YonSei Univ.) (Nov 10 97) **: Translated from the original Fortran version VER_HINI.f **: written by J.P.Sullivan **: **: ARGUMENTS: **: IN: **: Hst - hbook histogram parameter **: Hst_h - header Structure for Hst **: Io - contains verbose parameter **: Io_h - header structure for Io **: OUT: **: RETURNS: STAF Condition Value **: HISTORY: Apr-14-98 J.P.Sullivan **: replace printf with MvdMess calls **: Apr-29-98 J.P.Sullivan **: changed names of some histograms **: Aug-5-98 J.P.Sullivan moved all of the histogram **: initialization to mMvdHst, changed the name **: to .cc to force complication with C++, replace **: mMvdMess with cout, make "histogram **: factory" directory for MVD histograms. **: Remove dMvdPar and dMvbPar staf table from **: calling sequence. **: 23-Sep-98 J.P.Sullivan **: Add dMvdIo to calling sequence and use it to **: control volume of output **:>------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PhHistogramFactory *hf = PhHistogramFactory::instance(); if ( Io->verbose < LOUD ) cout << "mMvdSetHst{" << endl; hf->cd(); hf->mkdir("MVD"); if ( Io->verbose < LOUD ) cout << "}" << endl; return STAFCV_OK; }