Status report 16-Jul-99
John P. Sullivan

We still have a lot of software work to do. Unfortunately, that is also true on the hardware side for the MVD effort. The key problem is the calibration procedure. The Yonsei group has is working on this. They seem to have a better procedure, but it is not completely tested yet. It is based on fitting Landau distributions to observed ADC distributions and determining calibration parameters from those fits. We also have some parts of algporithms which are incomplete. For example, I believe we need confidence levels associated with the vertex positions we return. I have some ideas, but have not had time to implement them. As a final point, the Yonsei group is also working on a major reorganization of the code (with the same algorithms) into C++. We will not replace the current code until this new code is completely tested, shown to give the same results as the old code, and documented.

John Sullivan
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updated 15-Jul-1999