my older dN/deta results
Status report 16-Jul-99
John P. Sullivan

During the MDC1, I plotted dN/deta, which looked different (and less like the "true" answer) than Jeff's plot. This is shown in below:

The hole in the middle of this distribution is too deep. I showed the plot above in a talk at the Oct 1998 collaboration meeting.

We have since tried to improve our calibrations which translate observed ADC signal to number of particles. Either we were successful, or Jeff got lucky. Understanding this difference should be an action item.

In earlier work, I compared dN/deta from the MVD/staf code to the " correct" answer:
A postscript version of this plot is also available. This plot was part of an MVD software chain test report I gave at the June 1998 collaboration meeting.

John Sullivan
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updated 15-Jul-1999