The calling sequence for this module (with links to the source code) is:
Calculate the multiplicity of inner shell and determine
trigger condition.
On the first call, if the table is empty (zero rows)
this module fills some parameters in dMvdTrigPar:
This module returns
dMvdTrigControl->itrig=1 if the number of hits in the inner barrel of
the MVD is greater than dMvdTrigPar->NHITMIN
This module was originally intended to provide a simple model
for the level-1 trigger out of the MVD. However, it is not used
seriously in the MVD code (and the threshold is set to require
only two hits) and it not used at all by other parts of the
PHENIX code (as far as I know). The most important parameter
associated with this code is the OCC_CUT, which is used to
choose the vertex-finding algorithm. However, this parameter
could be sent externally.
NHITMIN=2 -- the min number of "hits" to satisfy the "trigger",
THRESH_KEV=25. -- threshold in keV to consider a "hit"
OCC_CUT=0.45 -- above this occupancy, the "correlation" method of
vertex finding will be used, below this occupancy the "pseudo-tracking"
method will be used.
dMvdTrigControl->itrig=0 if the number of hits in the inner barrel of
the MVD is less than dMvdTrigPar->NHITMIN
The number of "hits" is actually the number of "clumps" (calculated
from dMvbSkev) of adjacent strips with signals larger than
MvbSkev[i].skev > dMvdTrigPar->THRESH_KEV
John Sullivan
comments to:
updated 23-Dec-1999