Description of mMvdIo

The calling sequence for this module is (with links to the source code):
mMvdIo dMvdIo
This module will eventually be removed from the MVD library. It is part of a private messaging system which has been or will be replaced with a phenix messaging system.

It is intended to be called to initialize a parameter (in the input table) which controls the amount of output from the MVD code. A higher number means less output. Numbers ranging from about -1 to 4 have some meaning. -1 is a lot of output. Setting the level to 3 or 4 means little or no output. When working on MVD code I use 1 or 2. When working on other code, a higher level is appropriate. The module also contains the function MvdMess, which is called by some other modules in the MVD code as part of the messaging system.

This messaging system has been partially removed from the MVD code. It has been removed from all files with extensions ".cc".

John Sullivan
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updated 22-Dec-1999