Description of mMvdHst

The calling sequnce for this module (with links to the source code) is:
mMvdHst dMvdGeo header dMvdPar dMvbGeo dMvbPar dMvcGeo dMvcPar dMvbRaw dMvcRaw dMvbSkev dMvdVertexOut dMvdZcorPar dMvdTrigPar dMvdTrigControl dMvdNclmp dMvdClmp dMvddNdEtaPar dMvddNdEta dMvdFic dMvddNdEtaOut

This module is essentially an evaluator for the MVD code. It makes a lot of histograms (root/phenix histogram factory). It does not change the contents of any of the tables -- all are input. For people who do not look at the MVD histograms, it can be completely removed from the chain.

Because it is an evaluator, it "cheats" a little and has some geant parameters as input (header and dMvdFic contain geant information).

John Sullivan
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updated 22-Dec-1999