Description of mMvdClmp

The calling sequence for this module (with links to the source code) is:
mMvdClmp dMvdGeo dMvbGeo dMvbPar dMvbRaw dMvdClmp dMvdNclmp

This module takes the list of individual channel hits in the barrel (dMvbRaw) and makes a list of "clumps". A "clump" is a group of adjacent strips. The number of clumps in each Si wafer is returned in dMvdNclmp. Details about each clump Are stored in dMvdClmp, which stores: shell (r), row (phi), cell (z), the size of the clump (number of strips), and the Z position (calculated using a the Z position of every strip in the clump weighted by its ADC value).

John Sullivan
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updated 23-Dec-1999