The calling sequence for this module (with links to the source code) is:
Calculate dN/d(eta) distributions from the MVD using the
digitized information from the pads.
The output from this routine is in dMvddNdEtaOut, which
includes the following entries:
Currently, two algorithms are being used to calculate
dN/deta from the MVD pads. The first
algorithm is similar to the algorithm used for the
strip detectors. The total ADC value for all pads
in the same row (rows are the azimuthal segmentation)
in a pad detector are added up. This is
divided by the expected dE/dx for a "mip"
to estimate the number of particles. The range of eta is
calculated from the known geometry of the pads and the
vertex location to calculate dN/deta. As
with the strips, a profile histogram is used
to get the average value of dN/deta in each eta bin.
A sample histogram is available
as a postscript file.
The histogram is from an older version of the code, but the algorithm is unchanged.
Calculating the number of hits by taking the ADC value and dividing by the average signal per mip
gives us an algorithm which is sensitive to La=ndau fluctuations, showers in the detector, etc. The
following algorithm is an attempt to solve this problem.
The second algorithm used to get dN/deta from the
pad detectors assumes that a single particle hits
only one pad. The occupancy of the pad detectors
is around 15-20% for central hijing events. The
algorithm estimates the number of particles
associated with the observed ADC value in an
individual pad using an ADC distribution from a
"calibration" procedure and the occupancy of the
pad detector (which is measured for each event).
The "calibration" ADC distribution is input to the
program via a data-file (ver_calib.dat).
If the input file is not found,
a default distribution is assumed. This file contains
the ADC distribution expected
for a single particle at normal incident angle.
Currently, this is taken from pisa/staf results in
which the hit is known to be due to one particle.
Eventually, this would come from low multiplicity events.
The algorithm does not associate an
integer number of particles with each hit.
Instead a mean number of particles which would be
associated with a given ADC channel is calculated --
this is not an integer. For example, if we see
an ADC signal at 2*(1 mip signal), there is a certain
probability that this was caused by a single
particle and Landau fluctuations and a probability that
it was caused by two particles, and maybe
even a chance that there were three hits.
The relative probablilities of associating 1, 2, ... hits with
the ADC value depends on the occupancy
(Poisson distribution assumed), but the result would be
between 1 and 2 hits for this example. Some examples
of the mean number of hits associated with a
given ADC value for different assumed occupancies
are shown in this
postscript file.
This sample histogram comes from an older version of the code,
but the algorithm is unchanged.
The same (now root) histograms are available in the current code
as NcalcVsADCocc1, NcalcVsADCocc10, NcalcVsADCocc25, NcalcVsADCocc50,
and NcalcVsADCocc100.
This number of hits is then converted into a dN/deta
value using the vertex location and the pad geometry.
The average dN/deta for a set of events is
calculated by taking the average (using a profile histogram)
in each bin of eta. A sample (again from an old version of the
code) is availabe as a
postscript file. Again, the algorithm is unchanged from this
older run.
where next is an index to the entry in the table and
softdndeta is 3.xx (currently 3.01) for the algorithm
using average dE/dx (see below) and 4.xx (currently 4.01)
for the algorithm using a Poisson deconvolution method. Generally,
the deconvolution method works better.
John Sullivan
comments to:
updated 23-Dec-1999