Notes about setting up NEW MVD software

on the BNL linux computers in phool

In this document, text in black is instructions, text in red should be typed exactly as it appears, and text in blue describes something you need to type, but does not show you the exact command(s).

Here are links to a page (from the phenix offline group/Kyle Pope) at BNL which tells how to set up phool at BNL.
Environment for the PHENIX ROOT-based Analysis Framework
Configuring Analysis Source Files for PHOOL
Building an Analysis Package for PHOOL

Login to one of RCF gateway computers at BNL (, or then to (a.k.a
ssh ( or ssh or ssh )
(give password)
(give password)

you have to set up environment for the PHENIX Root-based analysis framework. Lines in your .cshrc( or equivalent) are likely to clash with this script, so it is a good idea to keep it as simple as possible like this:
source /opt/phenix/bin/phenix_setup.csh

Let's assume four environment variables for this build:
  Mvd source will be checked out from CVS repository into $SOURCE.
  This build will be going on at $BUILD.
  The final results, libmvd and libmvd_tables, will be installed at $INSTALL
  And we are going to run mvd at $WORK
cd your_source_directory
setenv SOURCE $PWD
cd your_build_directory
setenv BUILD $PWD
Make a mvd specific build directory so that it won't be screwed up if other packages are tried.
mkdir $BUILD/mvd
cd your_install_directory
cd your_work_directory
setenv WORK $PWD

Then set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look at your local libraries (this is all on one line):

Setup access to afs/cvs files at BNL:
klog your_account_name_at_bnl
(give password)
Get a copy of the software.
cvs checkout offline/packages/mvd

Now we are ready to build.
cd $BUILD/mvd
the following is one line:
$SOURCE/offline/packages/mvd/ --prefix=$INSTALL |& tee
This takes a minute or so.
make the libraries:
make |& tee make.log
(this takes about 5 minutes)
make install |& tee make.install.log
If everything went fine then you should see libmvd and libmvd_tables at $INSTALL/lib and some header files at $INSTALL/include.

Go to work directory
cd $WORK
Get the following files.
cp $SOURCE/offline/packages/mvd/wrk/* .
ln -s /phenix/data02/rhphemds/pisatest/vrdc_cent/hji_100auaucentsq08_121199z00.root pisa99.root
cp /afs/rhic/phenix/software/calibration/new/MVD*.dat .
You would normally use pyrite to make some macro files, but for the time being this new software is incompatible with the calling sequences assumed in pyrite.

Here is a way to make sure the system doesn't make big core files in your directory if you do not intend to look at them:
touch core
chmod 444 core
or you can put a line of script in your .cshrc if you never want cores.
limit coredumpsize 0

There are 3 sets of macros.
mvdresprun.C is for response chain.
mvdrecrun.C is for reconstruction chain.
mvdtestrun.C does both of response part and reconstruction part.
Start root, then tell root to run 2 events:
root -b(-b is for impatient)
.x mvdresprun.C(2);
.x mvdrecrun.C(2);

John Sullivan
comments to:
updated 28-Mar-2000

Sangsu Ryu
updated Jun\17\00