Hi all, For the record here is a list of MVD plots which I showed to the collaboration last week and today: ADC versus channel for packet 2003 - running with the old DCM fpga code (no channel AMU correction) - adc2003.gif ADC versus channel for packet 2003 - running with the new DCM fpga code (with channel AMU correction) - adc2003_new.gif ADC versus AMU cell for packet 2003 chip 1 (run 26557) - 26557_amu.gif ADC versus AMU cell for packet 2003 chip 1 (run 27386) - 26386_amu.gif ADC versus AMU cell for packet 2003 chip 1 (run 27519) - 27519_amu.gif Landau fit to cluster ADC distribution with angle correction (from Ju). - landau_fit.ps MVD vertex finding. Top: outer barrel cluster size versus Z. Mid: inner barrel cluster size versus Z. Bottom: pseudo tracking histogram (from Ju). - vertex_219.ps BBC vertex versus MVD vertex calculated from cluster size method (from Ju) - ZvertBbcMvd.ps BBC vertex versus MVD vertex calculated with pseudo tracking method (from Sangsu) - bbc_mvd_1.ps Exaggerated bowing and sagging of the MVD barrel (Hubert): - sag_bow.ps BBC vertex versus MVD vertex calculated with pseudo tracking method asuming a 6 mm offset from beam axis (from Sangsu) - bbc_mvd_2.ps Best regards, Allan