Data formats used in the MVD

This is a list of links to and notes about data formats used in the MVD hardware chain.

Here is a general page on DCM Data formats for all subsystems. From that page, here is the MVD DCM format. Unfortunately, the MVD table in this document appears to be wrong. The header words are in the wrong order and in one place (user word 8), they count to 8 with only 3 bits! The packet format described in this document about the event builder seems to be right, but it does not describe the use of the upper 16 bits of each 32 bit word. It also does not describe the MVD-specific details of the packet format. The document on DCM data formats has been corrected, while looking at the actual output from the MVD chaintest to create this new document which is consistent with the MVD chaintest's output PRDF files. This document includes some of the frame header words too.

This link to to the "12 step program for the MVD" page. The tables listed in his page are not currently up to date. They show what is in the current software, but not exactly what the hardware does.

Here is a table describing the DCIM output, which should be correct -- i.e. it is what the hardware + FPGA software really does. This table is part of the documentation on the MVD chaintest.

John Sullivan
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updated 8-Feb-2000