This fault-table was updated on July 15, 1998 with the addition of the "Consequences of failure" column.

Ancillary Controls for the Cooling System:
A first pass at the logic of it all

The MVD consists of two identical halves (east-west). Therefore all power and cooling is split this way, and all interlocks address at most only one half of the MVD at a time (the exception is failure of the humidity control sytem, which affects both halves). The MVD can still gather data with one half when the other half is down.

FC-17 liquid cooling system

System failure mode

What the system sees

Automatic system response

Consequences of failure

Leak in tubing to the outside world (impossible for leak to be inside MVD) Drop in fluid pressure (timing depends on location of sensor)
  • Shutdown of fluid cooling system
  • Shutdown of all electronics
  • Air cooling system remains on
  • Without electronics, no data can be taken until leak is fixed. Electrolytic fluid will not cause electrical shorts, but will require cleanup.
    Pump failure or change in pump power level Flowmeter shows change in flow
  • Immediate shutdown of cooling system and electronics in case of failure
  • If change is gradual, temperature sensors will sense trouble and issue a warning/shutdown
  • Without electronics, no data can be taken. Pump will have to be accessed and repaired or replaced.
    Chiller failure or unexpected change in power level Rise in temperature of LDOs and in flow loop
  • Warning when temperature spec is exceeded
  • Shutdown when highest acceptable operating temperature of electronics is reached
  • Temperatures requiring only a warning will not impact data or its acquisition. In the case of failure and subsequent shutdown, no data can be taken. The chiller may need to be accessed and repaired or replaced.
    Loss of "dirty" power supply Cooling system goes down:
  • Flowmeter shows loss of flow as it turns off
  • Temperature of LDOs begins to rise
  • Turn off all electronics
  • Air cooling system is down already
  • No data can be taken until power comes back up. There is no physical damage to cooling systems.
    Loss of "clean" power supply Electronics are down, but flow, temp sensors are up Leave cooling system running uncontrolled (it will turn itself off if limits are exceeded) No data can be taken until power comes back up. There is no physical damage to cooling systems. If cooling system shuts down, it will need to be restarted.

    Unified Air Cooling System

    System failure mode

    What the system sees

    Automatic system response

    Consequences of failure

    Blower failure or change in power level
  • Sudden drop in air flow
  • Slow rise in temperature of MCMs
  • Immediate shutdown of cooling system and electronics if air flow drops too much
  • If change is gradual, temperature sensors will see it and issue a warning/shutdown
  • While electronics are down, no data can be taken. The blower will need to be repaired or replaced, or the filter changed.
    Fan bearing overheats Signal from the built-in temperature sensor
  • Warning at one temperature
  • Shutdown of fan and electronics of the affected half at a higher temperature
  • In the case of slight overheating, water supply to the bearing should be confirmed to be at a standard level. In the case of shutdown, no data can be taken, and water flow will need to be investigated. The problem could also be in the blower itself.
    Chiller failure or unexpected change in power level Rise in temperature of MCMs
  • Warning when temperature spec is exceeded
  • Shutdown when highest acceptable operating temperature is reached
  • Temperatures requiring only a warning will not affect data or its acquisition. In the case of failure and subsequent shutdown, no data can be taken. The chiller may have to be accessed and repaired or replaced.
    Loss of efficiency in heat exchanger Very gradual rise in temperature of MCMs and flow loop Not applicable to ancillary controls; should be dealt with by making sure air is very clean in the first place, filters, and/or regular maintenance Electronics will be operating at temperatures higher than initially specified. There is no physical damage to the cooling system. If radiation damage to the silicon detectors has occurred, a worsened signal-to-noise ratio may result from the higher temperature.
    Leak to the outside world
  • Rise in temperature of main enclosure of MVD
  • Eventual rise in temperature of MCMs
  • Rise in humidity of flow loop
  • Warning when temperature inside enclosure rises above spec
  • Warning if MCM temperature rises above spec
  • Notification if humidity rises above spec
  • Highly unlikely that this would bring about shutdown conditions
  • Vertex finding algorithms may need to be adjusted to account for change in dimensions of Rohacell components. The leak should be found and repaired at the earliest convenience.
    Failure of chiller used for humidity control or leak in that chiller's water lines Rise in humidity in flow loop
  • Warning when humidity spec is exceeded in either direction
  • This should never cause shutdown, since we can recover good data if we know how much the Rohacell is changing
  • Vertex finding algorithms will need to be adjusted to account for change in dimensions of Rohacell components. Humidity chiller will have to be accessed and repaired. Note: this failure mode affects both halves of the MVD.
    Buildup of ice, mold, or other obstruction on the dehumidifying coils
  • The liquid level sensor in the heat exchanger will signal at a different rate, which will be noticed in software
  • Rise in humidity in flow loop
  • We will try to fix the problem by instructing the chiller to cool the coils further. If the problem is uncontrollable, the temperature will rise until temperature sensors notice trouble and turn the system off. If the problem is severe, the heat exchanger will have to be accessed and cleaned out.
    Loss of "dirty" power supply Air cooling system goes down:
  • Flowmeter shows loss of airflow
  • Temperature of MCMs begins to rise
  • Turn off all electronics
  • Cooling system is down already
  • No data can be taken until power comes back up. There is no physical damage to cooling systems.
    Loss of "clean" power supply Electronics are down along with detailed sensors, but F, T, H sensors are up Leave system running uncontrolled (it can turn itself off if limits are exceeded) No data can be taken until power comes back up. There is no physical damage to cooling systems. If system shuts down, it will need to be restarted.

    This page last modified on 10 July 98 by Rachel Cunningham.