PHENIX MVD Subsystem Preliminary Mechanical Design Review
Agenda for the PHENIX MVD Subsystem Preliminary Mechanical Design Review
July 30, 1996
1:00-4:00 pm MST via video conference
The structure of this agenda was based on guidelines presented in the PHENIX Note "Guidelines for the Conduct of Design Reviews"
- General: Jehanne (15 min)
Present/Define the purpose and level of review
Define requirements
Present and Explain Design
Report on Status to Date
List Progress
List Drawing release Status
- Technical Description: Jan (60 min)
Walkthrough of ALL MVD mechanics
- MVD Cooling Schematic: Debbie Clark (15 min)
- Break (10 min)
- Laboratory and Prototype Tests Supporting Mechanical Design: Jehanne (25 min)
Includes discussion on Cooling and Rohacell Issues
- Design of Silicon Detectors: Jon (20 min)
Performance characteristics of prototype silicon strip detectors
Status of silicon pad design
Schedule of silicon wafer delivery
- Interface Provisions and Issues: Jan (25 min)
Location of MVD components, services
Integration issues
- Preparations for Final Mechanical Design Review: Jehanne (10 min)
Web page by Jehanne Simon-Gillo ... ...
(last updated July 10th, 1996)