Before installation: Beampipe entering the
North magnet nosecone
Beampipe entering the North magnet nosecone. Note the
plastic block pushing the beampipe to the center of the hole. Without
this the beampipe would end up about 6mm to the West, and touch the MVD.
After successful installation, Hubert near the SW corner
... and IhnJea near the NE corner
MVD seen from below
DCIM's undegoing tests. After installation, the Glinks
South side would not lock.
The cause was the bad 10 MHz clock on the backplane of
the South 9U crate. Yellow trace is from the backplane of the North crate, blue
is from the South crate. Note the large spurious spike in the blue trace.
Since the clock is produced on the TCIM board, we swapped
this with the spare from upstairs, and between the N and S crates. The
traces remained unchanged. Therefore the error was in the backplane
termination or one of the other boards. Unplugging all boards except
the TCIM showed beautiful 10 MHz traces on the backplane. The problem
was caused by DCIM board #6, which we removed.
MVD seen from below, before tidying up (10 Sep 2004)
Front view of the South 9U crate
... and the North 9U crate
North MVD
After years of using the 20"-high steps behind
the MVD rack, I finally built the intermediate 10" plywood-and-2x4
treads shown in the
photo, as well as another piece of flooring at the bottom. This makes
climbing up to the lift table a lot safer and easier. Should have done
that last century.