*CMZ : 2.04/00 05/08/94 16.03.33 by John P. Sullivan *CMZ : 05/08/94 12.08.49 by John P. Sullivan SUBROUTINE VERMATDEF C C Description:- C ============= C This subroutine defines materials used for the MVD. c Assumes that the following materials have ALREADY BEEN DEFINED: C Material #50 = Silicon (must be defined via call to GSMATE) C Material #6 = Carbon (normally defined via call to GMATE) C Material #9 = Aluminum(normally defined via call to GMATE) C The numbers above are material, not tracking medium numbers. C Materials defined inside this routine: C Material # 102 = rohacell, via call to GSMIXT C Material # 103 = alumina, via call to GSMIXT C Material # 107 = G10 circuit board, via call to GSMATE C Material # 108 = kapton cable with copper traces (combined into C a single material C The following tracking media are defined in this routine: C Tracking medium #101 = insensitive Si C Tracking medium #102 = rohacell foam (used in supports) C Tracking medium #103 = Alumina (Al2O3) for electronics C Tracking medium #104 = carbon (for carbon fiber tubes in supports) C Tracking medium #105 = sensitive Si C Tracking medium #106 = aluminum (used in supports) C Tracking medium #107 = G10 circuit board (for pad electronics boards) C Tracking medium #108 = kapton cable with copper traces C C Author:- C ======== C JPSullivan -- based on code previously in MATMXMED C C Creation Date: 5-Aug-1994 C ========================= C C Revisions:- C =========== C Date Name Description C ---- ---- ---------------------------------------- C 2-Jan-96 JPS Added cable material # 108. Based on older code C I wrote 10 Mar 95. C C Arguments:- (none) C =========== C C Implicit inputs, outputs, side effects:- C ======================================== C C Called by: VER C Calls : GSTMED, GSMIXT, GSMATE, GSTPAR C The calls to GSTMED, GSMIXT, GSMATE, GSTPAR cause new materials C to be defined and/or change the characteristics of these C materials -- the information in Geant's JMATE data structures C is changed. If other detector elements are using the same C tracking medium numbers, conflicts are possible. C C Global Specifications:- C ======================= IMPLICIT NONE C *KEEP,GCFLAG. include 'gcflag.inc' *KEEP,GCUNIT. include 'gcunit.inc' *KEND. C C Local specifications C ==================== C INTEGER NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,NWBUF REAL FIELDM,TMAXFD,DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN, 1 UBUF(10) C C Material Parameters: C C************************************************************************** C-JHK C Rohacell(H11-C8-N1-O12) Mixture Parameters for the vertex detector: C C REAL AROHA(4) , ZROHA(4) , WROHA(4) ! A, Z, AND WEIGHTS OF ROHACELL REAL AROHA(4)/ 1.008 , 12.01 , 14.008 , 16. / REAL ZROHA(4)/ 1. , 6. , 7. , 8. / REAL WROHA(4)/ 11. , 8. , 1. , 2. / C************************************************************************** C-JPSullivan: add Alumina (Al2O3) -- substrate for vertex detector electronics C The density is a little uncertain. I think that the alumina we C would use is "gamma-alumina", a white microscropic crystal, C which has a range of densities from 3.5 to 3.9 - use 3.7 here. C c REAL AAL2O3(2),ZAL2O3(2),WAL2O3(2),DENAL2O3 REAL AAL2O3(2) / 26.98, 16.00 / REAL ZAL2O3(2) / 13.00, 8.00 / REAL WAL2O3(2) / 2.00, 3.00 / REAL DENAL2O3 / 3.7 / C C-JPSullivan: add kapton REAL AKAPTON(4) / 12.01, 14.008, 16.00, 1.008 / REAL ZKAPTON(4) / 6. , 7. , 8. , 1. / REAL WKAPTON(4) / 22. , 2. , 5., 10. / REAL DENKAPTON / 1.4 / REAL ACOPPER / 63.54 / REAL ZCOPPER / 29. / REAL ACABLE(5) / 12.01, 14.008, 16.00, 1.008, 63.54 / REAL ZCABLE(5) / 6. , 7. , 8. , 1. , 29. / REAL WCABLE(5) REAL DENCABLE C REAL VER_RHODX_CU ! in ounces/ft**2 !!!! REAL VER_TH_CABL ! in cm REAL VER_CU_FRACT ! fraction of surface covered by copper REAL WSUM ! temporary variable INTEGER I ! loop index C DATA VER_RHODX_CU / 0.125 / DATA VER_TH_CABL / 0.005 / DATA VER_CU_FRACT / 0.5 / C C C========================================================================== C Begin Executable statements C========================================================================== C IF ( IDEBUG.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE ( LOUT,* ) ' ENTER VERMATDEF: defines materials for MVD' END IF C C************************************************************************ C C Tracking media # 101 - Not sensitive silicon NMAT = 50 ! Silicon, but ISVOL = 0 ! not sensitive. IFIELD = 1 ! Magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 45.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = .001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(101,'NSilicon$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C************************************************************************ C C Define mixture ROHACELL for the MVD C c CALL GSMIXT (102,' ROHACELL$',AROHA,ZROHA,0.075,-4,WROHA) write ( 6,* ) ' caution caution caution !!!!!!!!!!!!' write ( 6,* ) ' changed density of rohacell for tests' write ( 6,* ) ' see src/ver/vermatdef.f' write ( 6,* ) ' caution caution caution !!!!!!!!!!!!' CALL GSMIXT (102,' ROHACELL$',AROHA,ZROHA,0.300,-4,WROHA) C C Tracking media # 102 - Rohacell C NMAT = 102 ! Rohacell ISVOL = 0 ! Not sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! Magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 45.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = .001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(102,'Rohacell$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C************************************************************************ C C material #103 -- alumina C CALL GSMIXT (103,'Alumina$',AAL2O3,ZAL2O3,DENAL2O3,-2,WAL2O3) C C Tracking medium #103 -- Alumina C NMAT = 103 ! Alumina ISVOL = 0 ! Not sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! Magnetic field FIELDM = 20.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 45.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = .001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(103,'Alumina$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C c************************************************************************ C C Define carbon with field on C NMAT = 6 ! Carbon ISVOL = 0 ! not sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! Magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 0.03 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = .001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(104,'Carbon-field$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM, 1 TMAXFD,DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C************************************************************************ C C Tracking media # 105 - silicon (sensitive) C NMAT = 50 ! really silicon ! ISVOL = 1 ! sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! magnetic field ! There will be a field (CFM) FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 45.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = 0.001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(105,'Silicon$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C C Set extremely low tracking C thresholds in the active elements of the Si -- this is required if the C energy loss in the Si is going to be used. The typical energy loss per C strip is around 120keV -- if we use standard tracking cutoffs, the particles C which stop tend to then "deposit" multiple MeV and strongly skew the C energy loss distribution. C CALL GSTPAR ( 105, 'CUTGAM', 0.00001 ) CALL GSTPAR ( 105, 'CUTELE', 0.00001 ) CALL GSTPAR ( 105, 'CUTNEU', 0.00001 ) CALL GSTPAR ( 105, 'CUTHAD', 0.00001 ) CALL GSTPAR ( 105, 'CUTMUO', 0.00001 ) C C************************************************************************ C C Tracking media # 106 - Aluminum in MVD support structure C NMAT = 9 ! aluminum ISVOL = 0 ! not sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.5 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.2 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.01 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(106,'MVD Aluminum$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C************************************************************************ C C define G10 as a material C CALL GSMATE(107,'G10 board$',18.14,9.065,1.7, 1 19.4,56.72,UBUF,NWBUF) C C Tracking media # 107 - G10 used for electronic motherboards in MVD pads C NMAT = 107 ! G10- plate ISVOL = 0 ! insensitive IFIELD = 0 ! no magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 1.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.5 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = 0.1 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.2 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(107,'MPC FRAME $',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C C************************************************************************ C C define the kapton+copper cables, this is a little complex because a C material which is the copper and kapton combined is defined. C It is treated as if the copper is "inside" the kapton with the C result that the true density of kapton is increased in order C to consider the copper inside it. C WSUM = 0. DO I=1,4 WSUM = WSUM + WKAPTON(I)*AKAPTON(I) END DO C C put partial weights (units are gm/cm**2) of different materials C in kapton into the array for the "cable" C DO I=1,4 WCABLE(I) = VER_TH_CABL*DENKAPTON*WKAPTON(I)*AKAPTON(I)/WSUM END DO C C convert rho*dx for copper from oz/ft**2 to gm/cm**2 C WCABLE(5) = VER_RHODX_CU*28.35/(30.48**2) C DENCABLE = DENKAPTON + (WCABLE(5)/VER_TH_CABL) C C the relative weights of materials are easier to understand if C the sum is normalized to one -- this normalization is not C needed for Geant, but makes it a little easier to understand C the numbers. C WSUM = 0. DO I=1,5 WSUM = WSUM + WCABLE(I) END DO DO I=1,5 WCABLE(I) = WCABLE(I)/WSUM END DO C CALL GSMIXT (108,'MVD cables$',ACABLE,ZCABLE,DENCABLE,5,WCABLE) C C Tracking media # 108 -- MVD cables (kapton + copper) C NMAT = 108 ! MVD cable ISVOL = 0 ! Not sensitive IFIELD = 1 ! Magnetic field FIELDM = 5.0 ! max field TMAXFD = 45.0 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees DMAXMS = 0.2 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) DEEMAX = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step EPSIL = .001 ! tracking precision (cm) STMIN = 0.5 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) UBUF(1) = 0. ! tracking stop switch CALL GSTMED(108,'MVD cable$',NMAT,ISVOL,IFIELD,FIELDM,TMAXFD, 1 DMAXMS,DEEMAX,EPSIL,STMIN,UBUF,NWBUF) C write ( 6,* ) ' kapton + copper cable defined in vermatdef:' write ( 6,* ) ' density = ',dencable write ( 6,* ) ' i A Z W' do i=1,5 write ( 6,111 ) i,acable(i),zcable(i),wcable(i) 111 format ( i2,2f8.2,F8.5 ) end do C IF ( IDEBUG.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE ( LOUT,* ) ' EXIT VERMATDEF' END IF C RETURN END