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The event handling procedure of DD

There are several basic user routines for the event handlig. After ddu_req_fev [Fig.2] ,a fev appears in a producer process so that a producer can receive the event. Once a fev receives an event, it has to be put back into the DD system by ddu_put_fev for futher processes. Now a consumer process can retrieve an event from DD system by calling ddu_get_fev. After ddu_get_fev [Fig.3] ,a event appears in a consumer process, where a user can display, analyze or modify events. DD also can distribute events over multiple consumers by calling ddu_brc_fev.Broadcasting is done according to the next procedure:

1. calculate how many processes want the event

2. copy it in INPUT_FIFO as many times as needed

3. using BRC_FIFO, broadcastes the event over the whole DD_system