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The discriminators in the MVD: Introduction
John P. Sullivan


This note is a summary of some studies of the effect(s) of less than optimal discriminator performance on the triggering abilities of the MVD. I did this study using 340 events which were generated as part of the PHENIX "10K" simulation run. Actually, the events I used were files used to test whether various detectors were working prior to starting the 10K run. Since the MVD was working and was not subsequently changed in the code, these events should be the same as the 10K run. The events are central Au+Au events from the Hijing event generator. Because I wanted to test the effects of the discriminator performance on the trigger at all multiplicities, I used a random number generator to throw out (randomly selected) hits from some events. Two calculations were done. One calculation kept between 12% and 100% of the hits. The other calculation was intended to simulate low multiplicity events. That calculation kept between 0.1% and 10% of the tracks. This allowed me to generate a reasonable range of multiplicities.

John Sullivan
updated Thursday December 18, 1997