Discriminator performance data
in the Orbit process
given to me by Tony Moore


Before you read the rest of this, let me warn you that we decided not to use the Orbit process for the production of the TGV/discriminator chip. I have kept this page for reference, but it is not relevant to the "real" MVD electronics.

First, I will summarize some of the information Tony Moore gave me. He measured the discriminator threshold in millivolts for each of 32 channels in 2 different pre-amp/discriminator chips (i.e. 64 channels total) from an Orbit process prototype run. A "mip" corresponds to 78mV in this scale. Ideally, we wanted to run with a discriminator threshold corresponding to 1/4 mip. However, most channels could not be turned down that low and the channels could not all be adjusted to the same threshold level. I used the results with the "tweak" which is a 2 bit adjustment intended to minimize channel to channel variations in the threshold. The two chips were called "chip red 5" and "chip 2 red" in Tony's faxed message to me. The following plots ( also available in the original postscript versions) summarize these discriminator thresholds.

John Sullivan
updated Tuesday December 16, 1997