A Beta Source Test Stand for Measuring
Crosstalk in MVD Silicon Pad Detectors

Sang Yeol Kim
Yonsei University

Quark Matter 97
Tsukuba, Japan
December, 1997

The original format of this poster is PS file.
This one is transformed to HTML format.

  1. page 1 Title.
  2. page 2 Pad Detector Picture.
  3. page 3 Motivation.
  4. page 4 Setup.
  5. page 5 Setup Picture.
  6. page 6 Source.
  7. page 7 Measurement Procedure 1.
  8. page 8 Measurement Procedure 2.
  9. page 9 Simulation 1.
  10. page 10 Simulation 2.
  11. page 11 Slope Method Results 1.
  12. page 12 Slope Method Results 2.
  13. page 13 Subtraction Method Results 1.
  14. page 14 Subtraction Method Results 2.
  15. page 15 Subtraction Method Results 3.
  16. page 16 Summary.