mcm slow serial specs

Specifications for the MVD MCM Slow Serial Interface

M.N.Ericson, M.S.Emery, C.L.Britton, M.C.Smith and M.D.Allen
Updated 4 Sep 98 H. van Hecke

PHENIX-MVD-98-29, PHENIX Note 358


A serial interface exists on each MVD MCM for multiple setup and control operations. After a powerup condition the port is used to program the FPGAs. Following this operation, the port switches automatically for control of the multiple serial programming operations within the MCM. This document addresses bothof the functions associated with the serial port - both FPGA programming and slow serial operations.

MCM Serial System Architecture

A block diagram of the MCM serial string is shown in Figure 1. The string passes through the Heap Manager where the HM parameters are stored, the tgv32 block (8 32-channel chips in series), back through the heap manager (feed through only), through the AMUADC block (8 32-channel chips in series), and through the heap manager (feed through only) and out of the MCM. The multiple passes through the heap manager give some flexibility in dealing with possible problems with serial string logic levels. Note that of the two FPGAs, the serial string only passes through the controller FPGA.

Figure 1. MCM Serial System Architecture

MVD MCM Serial String Bit Definitions

The following three tables outline the contents of each of the 3 types of serial blocks in the system (See Tables 1-3). Each table is configured where bit 1 is the first bit loaded in the string.
Bit # Function
1-9 Not used. Load with any code you want
11 SLCT1
12 SLCT0
15 IR1
16 IR0

Table 1. Heap Manager Serial Data String -- Listed in order of first-in to last-in.

Bit # Label Function
1-32 CS_DIS[1..32] Channel 1-32 Output Current Sum Disable
33-96 DIS_TWK[32..1] Channel 32-1 a&b Discriminator Tweak
97-128 PRE_DIS[1..32] Channel 1-32 Preamp Disable
129-160 CAL_DIS[32..1] Channel 32-1 Calibration Disable
161-166 THRESH_DAC[5..0] Discriminator Threshold DAC (MSB-LSB)
167-172 VMID_DAC[5..0] Vmid DAC (MSB-LSB)
173-178 VGATE_DAC[5..0] Vgate DAC (MSB-LSB
179-184 VFB_DAC[5..0] Feedback Resistor Set Voltage DAC (MSB-LSB)
185-190 VCAL_DAC[5..0] Calibration Voltage DAC (MSB-LSB)

Table 2. TGV_32 ASIC Serial Data String -- Listed in order of first-in to last-in.

Bit # Label Function
1 MUX2_OE Mux 2 Output Enable
2-6 MUX2_0-4 Mux 2 Address Bits 0-4
7 CORR_SEL Correlator Select control bit
8-13 DAC3_0-5 DAC Vref Bits 0-5
14-19 DAC2_0-5 DAC Corr Bits 0-5
20-25 DAC1_0-5 DAC Iref Bits 0-5
26 MUX2-HIZ Mux 2 pull-down
27 MUX1-HIZ Mux 1 pull-down
28 MUX1_OE Mux 1 Output Enable
29-33 MUX1_0-4 Mux 1 Address LSB

Table 3. AMU_ADC ASIC Serial Data Sring -- Listed in order of first-in to last-in.

Table 4 shows the entire MCM serial string at a modular level. Again the bits are listed in order of first-in to last- in.

Bit # Block Type
1-16 Heap Manager
17-206 TGV32 CHANNELS 256-225
207-396 TGV32 CHANNELS 224-193
397-586 TGV32 CHANNELS 192-161
587-776 TGV32 CHANNELS 160-129
777-966 TGV32 CHANNELS 128-97
967-1156 TGV32 CHANNELS 96-65
1157-1346 TGV32 CHANNELS 64-33
1347-1536 TGV32 CHANNELS 32-1
1537-1569 AMUADC CHANNELS 256-225
1570-1602 AMUADC CHANNELS 224-193
1603-1635 AMUADC CHANNELS 192-161
1636-1668 AMUADC CHANNELS 160-129
1669-1701 AMUADC CHANNELS 128-97
1702-1734 AMUADC CHANNELS 96-65
1735-1767 AMUADC CHANNELS 64-33
1768-1800 AMUADC CHANNELS 32-1

Table 4. Complete MCM String -- Listed in order of first-in to last-in.

All serial clocks are positive edge triggered. Clock rates of 1 MHz or slower should be acceptable. Starting at lower clock frequencies would be preferred.

Serial String Initial Settings

Heap Manager Serial Bits

The BTST bit forces the HM to load the data packet with 1,2,3,...256. IREN is the reset enable. when no external resets are available (from the master timer), this bit should be 1. The SLCT1,0 bits determine if the ADC operates in 12-bit, 11-bit or 10-bit mode. The MVD needs to be in 10-bit mode, which means SLCT1=1 and SLCT0=1. RAW_MODE: if this bit is 1 (0) the HM will produce 2 (1) data packets. The CORR_SEL bits in the AMUADC should be 0 (1), slaved to the value of RAW_MODE. CAL_DIS enables the internal charge injection/lvl1 mode ('bench cal'). IR1,0 set the reset frequency when IREN=1. Set all bits to logic '0' during initial testing.

TGV32 Initial Serial Settings

The following table shows measured DAC outputs and associated input codes for testing. The DAC codes are in the following order: Bit 5 (MSB) - Bit 0 (LSB).

Table 5. TGV32 DAC binary test codes and expected output (± 20%).
Input Code IREF Out (Volts) VMID Out (Volts) VGATE OUT (Volts) VFBRES OUT (Volts) VCAL OUT (Volts)
000000 (0) 1.86 1.71 0.006 0.006 3.48
100000 (32) 1.52 3.13 1.60 2.63 4.28
111111 (63) 0.0 4.50 3.68 5.02 5.00

Initializing the first 160 serial bits in the TGV32 string to logic '0' will result in all channels being enabled and calibration disabled (bits 1-160 set to '0'). The DACs should be initialized as shown in Table 6. Performing a TGV32 reset (preamp reset) will result in the serial string initializing with the suggested values.

Table 6. TGV32 DACs - Suggested Initial Setttings
DAC Input Code (MSB – LSB) Output Voltage
ITHRESH 111111 ~0
VMID 010000 ~3.13
VGATE 000000 ~0
VFBRES 111111 ~5
VCAL 100000 ~4.3

AMUADC Initial Serial Settings

Table 7 shows several input codes and associated output values measured for the AMUADC DACs. The DAC codes are in the following order: Bit 5 (MSB) - Bit 0 (LSB).

Table 7. AMUADC DAC binary test codes and expected output (± 20%).
(dc Volt)
(dc Volt)
(dc uA)
000000 000000 000000 <0.4 <0.15 >70.0
000001 000001 000001 0.4 0.16 71.3
000010 000010 000010 0.48 0.20 70.2
000100 000100 000100 0.63 0.27 67.7
001000 001000 001000 0.93 0.42 63.0
010000 010000 010000 1.56 0.74 53.8
100000 100000 100000 2.73 1.30 35.9
111111 100000 100000 4.80 1.30 35.9
100000 111111 100000 2.73 2.50 35.9
100000 100000 111111 2.73 1.30 <2.0

Approximate initial setpoint values for the AMUADC DACs are Vref DAC ~ 4.5 V, Vcorr DAC ~ 1.6 V, and Iref DAC ~ 10mA. Table 8 provides the suggested initial settings for each AMUADC ASIC serial string.

Table 8. AMU_ADC ASIC Serial Data String Initial Settings -- Listed in order of first-in to last-in.
Bit # Label Initial Settings For Testing Function
1 MUX2_OE 0 Mux 2 Output Enable
2-6 MUX2_0-4 0 Mux 2 Address Bits 0-4
7-12 DAC3_0-5 111100 DAC Vref Bits 0-5
13 CORR_SEL 1 Correlator Select control bit
14-19 DAC2_0-5 101000 DAC Corr Bits 0-5
20-25 DAC1_0-5 110101 DAC Iref Bits 0-5
26 MUX2-HIZ 0 Mux 2 pull-down
27 MUX1-HIZ 0 Mux 1 pull-down
28 MUX1_OE 0 Mux 1 Output Enable
29-33 MUX1_0-4 0 Mux 1 Address LSB


The DAC values shown above for the preamp chips are for version T32CH, not the version you have (T32A or T32BH). This may result in slightly different DAC voltages. Do not be alarmed – just take this into consideration when you o your testing. The AMUADC DAC voltages should be pretty close but will not be exactly as shown in the tables above.

The value of Iref depends strongly on the frequency of the digital clock. Check the ramp for eack frequency.

The chips will not work if the smoke inside gets out.