mcm slow serial specs

MVD MCM Serial Data Packet Format

Revised 07/14/98 11:42 AM
M. N. Ericson, M. C. Smith, and M. D. Allen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

PHENIX-MVD-98-26, PHENIX Note 355


The MVD MCM is the basic functional block responsible for generating and collecting all of the event data associated with the MVD subsystem. All necessary event information is collected at the MCM from the front-end electronics, formatted along with event and time- stamping information, and transmitted to the Data Collection Interface Module (DCIM) for further formatting, position stamping, and transmission to the Data Collection Module (DCM). To facilitate adequate data transmission bandwidth using a minimized interface, a serial port has been designed that actually consists of two serial lines operated using a common clock. This document outlines the data packet format, data content, and timing associated with transmitting the MCM data using this interface.

Data Packet Contents

The contents of the data packet transmitted from the MCM are outlined in Table 1. The packet begins with the beam clock counter value that is latched when a LVL-1 accept is issued to the MCM. This latched value provides a timing marker in units of the beam clock for packet alignment. An event counter follows that is incremented each LVL-1 accept and is useful for event number alignment. The AMU cell numbers (post and pre) are then provided followed by a data block consisting of the digitized value of all 256 channels on the MCM. Post comes before pre due to the order of reading from the AMU for proper correlator functioning. The final word in the packet is the column checksum. Each bit in the checksum represents the parity of the associated bit column of the packet. Additionally each 10-bit word has a checksum that is generated and added as an 11-bit in the MSB position. The result is a data packet that is a total of 262 11-bit words.

Word # Word Content
(10-Bit Width + 1-Bit Parity)
1 Beam Clock Counter (Upper Word)
2 Beam Clock Counter (Lower Word)
3 Event Counter
4 AMU Cell #1 Address (Post)
5 AMU Cell #2 Address (Pre)
6-261 Digitized Data – Channels 1-256
262 Column Checksum (Parity)

Table 1. MCM Data Packet Contents.

Data Packet Format

The data words of Table 1 are transmitted using two serial data channels SData1 and SData2 with a common clock Sclk. Figure 1 shows the beginning of the transmitted data packet. 4 SData1 clocks while the Sclk is high initiate a start sequence. Following this sequence, transmission of the first word in the data packet begins on SData1 on the next rising edge of Sclk. Transmission of the second word in the packet begins on SData2 five Sclk periods later. Word #3 follows word #1 on SData1 and word #4 follows word #2 on SData2 and so on until the entire contents of the packet have been transmitted. Figure 2 shows the transmission of the ‘even’ words on SData1 and the ‘odd’ words on SData2. When all the data has been transmitted, the stop sequence is generated by 4 SData2 clocks while Sclk is high. Figure 3 shows the end of a data packet. In general, the data lines are not allowed to change while the Sclk is high except during the generation of a start or stop sequence. Note that all words are transmitted MSB first, LSB last and the MSB of each transmitted 11-bit word is the parity bit.

Figure 1. MCM Serial Data Packet – Start of Packet

Figure 2. MCM Serial Data Packet – SData1 and SData2 Word Transmission Order

Figure 3. MCM Serial Data Packet – End of Packet

Serial Port Timing

The maximum data transmission requirement from any MCM in MVD is ~72 Mbit/s. Using 2 serial lines and an Sclk equal to the 4X beam clock allows for ~76 Mbit/s data throughput from the MCM and exploits the availability of the 4X beam clock. Both the heap manager FPGA and the LVDS translators have been tested to operational speeds well above 50 Mbit/s per data line.

Packet Specifics for Correlated & Raw Transmission Modes

The MCM operates in two data collection modes: correlated and raw mode. In correlated mode a single digitization is performed for each MCM detector channel that represents the difference between the post and pre front-end analog values. In raw mode, the digitized value of each of the detector channels is transmitted as two separate data packets – the first containing the ‘post’ AMU cell conversion results and the second containing the ‘pre’ AMU cell conversion results. Both of the packets associated with a single event should contain the same beam clock counter value and event counter value. The first packet containing the ‘post’ digitized values will have the associated AMU cell address in the AMU Cell #1 position (word 4 in Table 1) and all ‘ones’ in the AMU Cell #2 address position (word 5 in Table 1 will be 3FF --- ‘0’ parity followed by ' ‘1111111111'’). Conversely, the second packet containing the ‘pre’ digitized values will have the digitized ‘pre’ AMU cell address in the AMU Cell #2 position (word 5 in Table 1) and all ‘ones’ in the AMU Cell #1 position (word 4 in Table 1 will be 3FF --- ‘0’ parity followed by '‘1111111111'’). Using this approach for both raw and correlated operational modes allows a standard packet format and length in both instances and provides an easy method of distinguishing between the ‘post’ and ‘pre’ data packets in raw mode.