Appendix B: The Silicon Strip Detector Database

I. Basics

The Silicon Strip Detector Database is an internet accessable database for archival storage of silicon detector QA data. Access requires an application capable of running Java applets, ie Netscape with Java enabled. The database URL is:

Access requires a loginID and password which can be acquired from Mike Bennett or Dave Jaffe. Once login is successful, a Java applet window will appear showing a welcome message and selection tabs for the "C-cage" database , the "Kapton" database, and the "Si Strip" database. Selecting "Si Strip" takes you to another welcome page with 8 selection tabs, "back", "Si Main", "CV", "IV", "Guard Ring", "V Depletion", "Bad Channels", and "Misc.". Selecting "Si Main" gets you to the main page of the silicon strip detector database.

This main page, and all sub pages, have three sections. The left side of each page is taken up by the search engine. This includes a window listing by serial number all detectors meeting the criteria of the last search made, and the total number of resultant records. Above that are the search engine controls. These are fairly intuitive to use. On the bottom are the main database entry controls: "Apply", "Reset", "New", "Copy", and "Remove". These controls act on the database records in a fairly intuitive manner. Moving the mouse cursor over them will cause an explanation of their function to appear in the message field at the bottom of the window. The rest of each page contains the actual data fields with a unique format for each page. All of these will be discussed in detail in the following sections as needed.

To see the main page of a detector record, simply click on the serial number in the search results list. After a moment the main page contents of the selected record will appear. There seems to be a refresh problem with the database software, so you will most likely be required to move another window over the database window and back at each page or record selection to force a window refresh. This will fill in the blank white rectangles with the proper field values. If the record you are interested is not listed, use the search engine. If, for example, you want to see the record for detector 1234-5, select "Serial Number" and "Begins with" in the search engine control menus, enter the string "1" in the search criterion field, and click the search button (the unlabelled one on the left just below the search criterion field). This will create a listing of all records whose serial numbers begin with "1". Similarly, you can search on batch number, date received, grade, etc.

II. Initial Record Creation

Upon receiving, the first thing done is the creation of new database records for each new detector. From the Si Main page, click the "New" button. This creates a new record. If the "New" button is not clicked, the entered data will not be saved or will be saved in an already existing record. When the new record is created, all fields should be either blank, for the text fields, or "NO DATA" for the menu fields. Once all fields are visible, enter the serial number for the detector in the "Serial Number" field labelled in red at the upper left. This is the identifying label of each record and must be unique (Throughout the entire database the only data required for record entry are labelled in red. The rest are optional, from the database's point of view). This The standard format for this serial number is XXXX-XX or XXXX-X. Don't use any other special characters as the database is rather finicky about its data. Second, enter the date received in the "Date Received" field. The standard date format is month/day/year. One or two digits may be used for the month and day. Two digits must be used for the year. Again, don't use any other special characters aside from the "/" (the "-" also works). Third, the batch number is entered in the "Batch Number" field. This is an integer identifying detectors that were shipped together in a single box. Use the search engine to find what batch number should be used for the current batch. Fourth and fifth, the "Type Of_coating" and "Type Of_detector" fields should be set. This data can be found in the data sheets Micron Semiconductor sends with each batch of detectors. The "Type Of_coating" refers to the passivation coating and is either "POLYIMIDE" or "SILOX". The "Type Of_detector" is either "LONG" or "SHORT" corresponding to the outer and inner barrels of the MVD. Also, any comments on the detector from Micron should be entered in the "Meas Comment" text field. Once these data are entered, This record is added to the database by clicking the "Apply" button. If successful, the message "Record successfully updated" will appear in the message field. If the new record meets the criteria of the last search made, its serial number will appear in the search results list. If unsuccessful, a cryptic error message will appear. Usually this means that you have entered data in an incorrect format or have used the -enter- key or some other unsupported character.

III. Bad Channel Data Entry

Entry of bad channel numbers is fairly straight forward. From the "Si Main" page, select "Bad Channels" and then "Bad Channel Summary". This is the summary page for the "Bad Channels" page. These summary pages are standard features of the database and will be encountered again. An entry must be made here before any data can be entered into the database. First, you must select which detector serial number (record ID) to update in the search engine results list. This determines which record will be associated with the data entered in this page. The "Bad Channel Summary" table has four columns. The first column is labelled "Sequence #" in red (required field). This is just an integer that we use to keep track of groups of measurements should we have to repeat them and is also a recurring feature of the database. The first time measurements/data are entered, use "1" here; for the second "2" etc. This sequence number will be used to correlate the "Date", "Who", and "Comment" data in this table to the actual bad channel data in the "Bad Channel Data" table. The name of the person making the entry is entered in the "Who" column. This is done by clicking on the proper cell, and selecting one of names in the appearing list. If your name doesn't appear on the list, chances are you shouldn't be doing this. Enter the date of the measurement in the "Date" column with the same format as the date field on "Si Main", ie month/day/year, using one or two digits for the month and day, and two digits for the year. The comment field is usually used to explain why an entry/measurement had to be repeated. Do not use the |enter| key in this field. The database can't deal with it. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record selected in the search engine results list.

Now you're ready to actually enter the bad channels into the database, so go to the "Bad Channel Data" page. The first thing you will notice is that the serial number list has a new appearance; it now looks like a graphical representation of a hierarchical file system, which it is. Each serial number has a list of sequence numbers associated with it that can be revealed by clicking on its associated boxed "+" sign. If successful, the "+" will turn into a "-" and a sublist of sequence numbers will appear. These correspond to the sequence numbers you just entered in the previous paragraph. After selecting the proper sequence number, you are ready to enter the actual resistance values in the table. This table has just two columns, "Bad Channel #" (labelled in red, so required), and "Problem". Enter the channel numbers of the bad channels in column 1, and for each, enter the problem in the corresponding cells in column 2 by clicking on each cell and selecting either Short, Dead, High Current, or Breakdown from the appearing list. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record (sequence number of a serial number) selected in the search engine results list.

There is also a "Bad Channels_ok" PASS/FAIL/NO DATA menu field on "Si Main" with a default "NO DATA" value. This cannot be set until the total number of bad channels is known. The Micron data sheets list the shorted channels for each detector. The individual channel IV test gives us the dead, high current, and low breakdown channels. Once all bad channels are entered, if the total number of bad channels for the detector is no more than 3, the "Bad Channels_ok" menu field is set to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL".

IV. Test Resistor Data Entry

Entry of the test resistor resistance values is also straight forward. From the "Si Main" page, select "Misc" and then "R Poly Summary". This is the summary page for the "R Poly data". The "R Poly Summary" page has a table of 6 columns by X rows. The first column is labelled "Sequence #" in red (required field). For the first measurements entered, enter "1" here; for the second "2" etc. This sequence number will be used to correlate the date, temp, and humidity data in this table to the actual resistance measurements in the "R Poly data" table. The name of the person making the entry is entered in the "Who" column (you should know how by now, if not see section III, paragraph 1). Enter the date of the measurement in the "Date" column (ditto). The "Temperature" and "Humidity" are entered next as integers without unit labels; these are assumed to be degrees Fahrenheit and percent relative respectively. The "Comment" field is self explanitory. Do not use the -enter- key in this field. The database can't deal with it. That can't be said enough. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record selected in the search engine results list.

Now, to actually enter the resistance values, go to the "R Poly data" page. This page also has the different looking search results list. After selecting the proper sequence number of the proper detector, you are ready to enter the actual resistance values in the table. This table has just two columns, yet another "Sequence #" (labelled in red), and "Resistance". Before entering the "Resistance" values, you first must enter the sequence numbers 1 through 16 in the first 16 rows of column 1. In this case the sequence number refers to the ID# of the test resistor. Now enter the resistance values of each test resistor in the proper rows of column 2. These must be in the format XX.X or XX, with assumed MOhm units. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record (sequence number of a serial number) selected in the search engine results list.

If all test resistors have a resistance in the range 5 - 15 MOhms inclusive, the "R Poly_ok" menu field on "Si Main" should be set to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". For marginal detectors, leave it on the default "NO DATA" until Sangkoo decides whether to accept it or not.

V. Test Diode Data Entry

Entry of the test diode data is more complicated as it requires the loading of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file. The first steps, however, are the same. From the "Si Main" page, select "CV" and then "CV Summary". This is the summary page for the "CV data". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field.

The actual test diode data consists of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file created by the LabVIEW VI "Single". This file is loaded into the database not by hand but using a script file created for this purpose. This cannot be done through a web browser or applet window, but requires logging onto the RHIC cluster at BNL using the "mvd" account and password. Otherwise, go to the directory ~mvd/oracle/sistrip/dataload (aliased to "dbase"); this is the main directory for loading datafiles into the database. Source the "setup" file to setup the proper environment variables for data loading. When prompted for the database group (the prompt will look like this: ORACLE_SID = [RDG] ?), enter "PHXDEV". Now the environment is setup to load data files. There are four subdirectories called "cv", "guard_ring, "ivstrip", and "ivtotal". In this case we go to subdirectory cv/cv_data_1. Here there should be a bunch of older data files, plus the one you now wish to load (which you should ftp here now), and a file called "load2.ctl". The file to be loaded must be of the proper format. This is taken care of by the VI that created it except for one detail. The first row of the file, containing the column headers, must be removed. Once this is done, the file is ready to go. Just to be sure, this file should have three columns: a sequence number (integer), the bias voltage (integer), and the capacitance (real). Loading is controlled by the file "load2.ctl" which must be edited to tell the loading script what file to load, the record ID# (detector serial number), and what sequence number to give this set of measurements. The file looks like this (the line numbers have been added for clarity):

(2) INFILE 'data_file_name_here'
(6) (SERIAL_NUMBER CONSTANT "detector_serial_number_here", CV_SEQ CONSTANT sequence_number_here,

In line (2), the string "data_file_name_here" must be replaced by the name of the data file to be loaded. In line (6), the string "detector_serial_number_here" must be replaced by the detector's serial number, which should be part of the name of the data file. Also in line (6), the string "sequence_number_here" must be replaced by the proper integer sequence number for this set of measurements, "1" for the first, "2" for the second etc. Once these changes are made, loading is executed by the command:

sqlload userid=mvd/mvd@phxdev CONTROL=load2.ctl

Since this command never changes, it is easier to use the "load" alias. If no error messages appear, the data has been successfully loaded and can now be viewed on the "CV Data" page of the database applet window. Again, you must select the proper serial and sequence numbers to see the corresponding data. This page has an extra column of 1/C^2 data that the load script calculates automatically.

It is important to note that the load control file "load2.ctl" is different for each type of data file, ie CV data, IGR leakage, Tstrip leakage, and individual channel leakage. The different versions are each located in their own subdirectories and will only work on the correct data files. For example, the one we just went over is located in the cv subdirectories and will only work on ..._CV1.txt files. Use of these versions of "load2.ctl" is identical in all cases, even though the contents are different, so it is up to the user to make sure that he/she is in the right subdirectory using the right control file for the data being entered.

Since this test doesn't determine the depletion voltage by itself, leave the "R Poly_ok" menu field on "Si Main" on the default "NO DATA" until after the alpha source depletion test.

VI. Coupling Capacitance Data Entry

Thankfully, this data entry can be done from the database applet window. From the "Si Main" page, select "CV" and then "Coup. Capac. Summary". This is the summary page for the "Coup. Capac. Data". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field.

For actual data entry, proceed to the "Coup. Capac. Data" page and select the proper detector serial and sequence number. On this page, the "Sequence #" refers to the test capacitor numbers 1 through 4. For each, the integer capacitance value should be entered in the corresponding "Data" cell. The units are assumed to be pF. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record (sequence number of a serial number) selected in the search engine results list.

If all coupling capacitances are 300 pF or greater, set the "Coup Cap_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". For marginal detectors, leave it on the default "NO DATA" until Sangkoo decides whether to accept it or not.

VII. Coupling Capacitor Breakdown Data Entry

This data entry is quite simple as there is no summary page; all data is entered on the "Coup. Capac. Breakdown" page. From the "Si Main" page, select "CV" and then "Coup. Capac. Breakdown". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field. The capacitor breakdown voltage is entered in the "Data" field with assumed Volt units. If the reverse bias breakdown voltage is less than or equal to 100V, this number (integer value) is entered. If greater than 100V, the string ">100" is entered. Once all data have been entered, click the "Apply" button to update the record (sequence number of a serial number) selected in the search engine results list.

If the coupling capacitor breakdown voltage is greater than 100V, set the "Coup Cap_bkdn_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS". If not, further tests are needed so leave it on the default "NO DATA" until further tests are conducted and a pass/fail decision is made.

VIII. Detector Thickness Data Entry

This data entry is also quite simple as there is no summary page; all data is entered on the "Thickness" page. From the "Si Main" page, select "Misc." and then "Thickness". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". The detector thickness is entered in the "Data(microns)" field in micron units. There is also a "Comment" field.

If the detector thickness is within the range 285 - 315 microns inclusive, set the "Thickness ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". For marginal detectors, leave it on the default "NO DATA" until Sangkoo decides whether to accept it or not.

IX. Total Strip Leakage Currrent Data Entry

Entry of the total strip leakage current data requires the loading of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file. From the "Si Main" page, select "IV" and then "IV Total Summary". This is the summary page for the "IV Total Data". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field.

The actual IV Total data consists of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file created by the LabVIEW VI "". This file is loaded into the database not by hand but using a script file created for this purpose. This cannot be done through a web browser or applet window, but requires logging on to the RHIC cluster at BNL. If you don't have an account there, you can't do this. Otherwise, go to the directory ~mvd/oracle/sistrip/dataload; this is the main directory for loading datafiles into the database. Source the "setup" file to setup the proper environment variables for data loading. When prompted for the database group (the prompt will look like this: ORACLE_SID = [RDG] ?), enter "PHXDEV". Now the environment is setup to load data files. There are four subdirectories called "cv", "guard_ring, "ivstrip", and "ivtotal". In this case we go to subdirectory ivtotal/ivtotal_data. Here there should be a bunch of older data files, plus the one you now wish to load (which you should ftp here now), and a file called "load2.ctl". The file to be loaded must be of the proper format. This is taken care of by the VI that created it except for one detail. The first row of the file, containing the column headers, must be removed. Once this is done, the file is ready to go. Just to be sure, this file should have four columns: a sequence number (integer), the elapsed time (real), the temperature (real), and the leakage current (real). Loading is controlled by the file "load2.ctl" which must be edited to tell the loading script what file to load, the record ID# (detector serial number), and what sequence number to give this set of measurements. The file looks like this (the line numbers have been added for clarity):

(2) INFILE 'data_file_name_here'
(6) (SERIAL_NUMBER CONSTANT "detector_serial_number_here", IVTOTAL_SEQ CONSTANT sequence_number_here,

In line (2), the string "data_file_name_here" must be replaced by the name of the data file to be loaded. In line (6), the string "detector_serial_number_here" must be replaced by the detector's serial number, which should be part of the name of the data file. Also in line (6), the string "sequence_number_here" must be replaced by the proper integer sequence number for this set of measurements, "1" for the first, "2" for the second etc. Once these changes are made, loading is executed by the command:

sqlload userid=mvd/mvd@phxdev CONTROL=load2.ctl

Since this command never changes, it is easier to alias it to something sensible like "load". If no error messages appear, the data has been successfully loaded and can now be viewed on the "IV Total Data" page of the database applet window. Again, you must select the proper serial and sequence numbers to see the corresponding data.

It is important to note that the load control file "load2.ctl" is different for each type of data file, ie CV data, IGR leakage, Tstrip leakage, and individual channel leakage. The different versions are each located in their own subdirectories and will only work on the correct data files. For example, the one we just went over is located in the ivtotal subdirectories and will only work on ..._strips1.txt files. Use of these versions of "load2.ctl" is identical in all cases, even though the contents are different, so it is up to the user to make sure that he/she is in the right subdirectory using the right control file for the data being entered.

If the total strip leakage current at 72 hours is < 1.5uA, set the "Iv Total_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". For marginal detectors, leave it on the default "NO DATA" until Sangkoo decides whether to accept it or not.

X. Inner Guard Ring Leakage Currrent Data Entry

Entry of the inner guard ring leakage current data requires the loading of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file. From the "Si Main" page, select "Guard Ring" and then "Guard Ring Summary". This is the summary page for the "Guard Ring Data". Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field.

The actual Guard Ring data consists of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file created by the LabVIEW VI "". This file is loaded into the database not by hand but using a script file created for this purpose. This cannot be done through a web browser or applet window, but requires logging on to the RHIC cluster at BNL. If you don't have an account there, you can't do this. Otherwise, go to the directory ~mvd/oracle/sistrip/dataload; this is the main directory for loading datafiles into the database. Source the "setup" file to setup the proper environment variables for data loading. When prompted for the database group (the prompt will look like this: ORACLE_SID = [RDG] ?), enter "PHXDEV". Now the environment is setup to load data files. There are four subdirectories called "cv", "guard_ring, "ivstrip", and "ivtotal". In this case we go to subdirectory guard_ring/guard_ring_data. Here there should be a bunch of older data files, plus the one you now wish to load (which you should ftp here now), and a file called "load2.ctl". The file to be loaded must be of the proper format. This is taken care of by the VI that created it except for one detail. The first row of the file, containing the column headers, must be removed. Once this is done, the file is ready to go. Just to be sure, this file should have four columns: a sequence number (integer), the elapsed time (real/integer), the temperature (real), and the leakage current (real). Loading is controlled by the file "load2.ctl" which must be edited to tell the loading script what file to load, the record ID# (detector serial number), and what sequence number to give this set of measurements. The file looks like this (the line numbers have been added for clarity):

(2) INFILE 'data_file_name_here'
(6) (SERIAL_NUMBER CONSTANT "detector_serial_number_here", G_RING_CURRENT_SEQ CONSTANT sequence_number_here,

In line (2), the string "data_file_name_here" must be replaced by the name of the data file to be loaded. In line (6), the string "detector_serial_number_here" must be replaced by the detector's serial number, which should be part of the name of the data file. Also in line (6), the string "sequence_number_here" must be replaced by the proper integer sequence number for this set of measurements, "1" for the first, "2" for the second etc. Once these changes are made, loading is executed by the command:

sqlload userid=mvd/mvd@phxdev CONTROL=load2.ctl

Since this command never changes, it is easier to alias it to something sensible like "load". If no error messages appear, the data has been successfully loaded and can now be viewed on the "Guard Ring Data" page of the database applet window. Again, you must select the proper serial and sequence numbers to see the corresponding data.

It is important to note that the load control file "load2.ctl" is different for each type of data file, ie CV data, IGR leakage, Tstrip leakage, and individual channel leakage. The different versions are each located in their own subdirectories and will only work on the correct data files. For example, the one we just went over is located in the guard_ring/guard_ring_data subdirectory and will only work on ..._IGR1.txt files. Use of these versions of "load2.ctl" is identical in all cases, even though the contents are different, so it is up to the user to make sure that he/she is in the right subdirectory using the right control file for the data being entered.

If the inner guard ring leakage current at 72 hours is < 15uA, set the "Guard Ring_curr_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". For marginal detectors, leave it on the default "NO DATA" until Sangkoo decides whether to accept it or not.

XI. Individual Channel Leakage Currrent Data Entry

Entry of the inner guard ring leakage current data requires the loading of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file. From the "Si Main" page, select "IV" and then "IV Strip Summary". This is the summary page for the "IV Strip Data". Data entry here is similer to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". Next are the thee test voltage fields. These are the bias test voltages at which the leakage current measurements were taken and are listed in the top row of each data file. There is also a "Comment" field.

The actual IV strip data consists of a comma-delimited spreadsheet file created by the LabVIEW VI "32 strip I-V". This file is loaded into the database not by hand but using a script file created for this purpose. This cannot be done through a web browser or applet window, but requires logging on to the RHIC cluster at BNL. If you don't have an account there, you can't do this. Otherwise, go to the directory ~mvd/oracle/sistrip/dataload; this is the main directory for loading datafiles into the database. Source the "setup" file to setup the proper environment variables for data loading. When prompted for the database group (the prompt will look like this: ORACLE_SID = [RDG] ?), enter "PHXDEV". Now the environment is setup to load data files. There are four subdirectories called "cv", "guard_ring, "ivstrip", and "ivtotal". In this case we go to subdirectory ivstrip/ivstrip_data. Here there should be a bunch of older data files, plus the one you now wish to load (which you should ftp here now), and a file called "load2.ctl". The file to be loaded must be of the proper format. This is taken care of by the VI that created it except for one detail. The first row of the file, containing the column headers, must be removed. Once this is done, the file is ready to go. Just to be sure, this file should have four columns: the channel # (integer), and three leakage currents (real), one for each test voltage. Loading is controlled by the file "load2.ctl" which must be edited to tell the loading script what file to load, the record ID# (detector serial number), and what sequence number to give this set of measurements. The file looks like this (the line numbers have been added for clarity):

(2) INFILE 'data_file_name_here'
(6) (SERIAL_NUMBER CONSTANT "detector_serial_number_here", IVSTRIP_SEQ CONSTANT sequence_number_here,

In line (2), the string "data_file_name_here" must be replaced by the name of the data file to be loaded. In line (6), the string "detector_serial_number_here" must be replaced by the detector's serial number, which should be part of the name of the data file. Also in line (6), the string "sequence_number_here" must be replaced by the proper integer sequence number for this set of measurements, "1" for the first, "2" for the second etc. Once these changes are made, loading is executed by the command:

sqlload userid=mvd/mvd@phxdev CONTROL=load2.ctl

Since this command never changes, it is easier to alias it to something sensible like "load". If no error messages appear, the data has been successfully loaded and can now be viewed on the "IV strip Data" page of the database applet window. Again, you must select the proper serial and sequence numbers to see the corresponding data.

It is important to note that the load control file "load2.ctl" is different for each type of data file, ie CV data, IGR leakage, Tstrip leakage, and individual channel leakage. The different versions are each located in their own subdirectories and will only work on the correct data files. For example, the one we just went over is located in the ivstrip/ivstrip_data subdirectory and will only work on ..._indchan1.txt files. Use of these versions of "load2.ctl" is identical in all cases, even though the contents are different, so it is up to the user to make sure that he/she is in the right subdirectory using the right control file for the data being entered.

After graphing this data, the presence of low interstrip resistance regions and bad channels can be determined. If the total number of bad channels (dead, shorted, high current, or low breakdown) is less then or equal to 3, set the "Bad Channels_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL". Any bad channels indicated by this graph must also be entered into the database individually, see section III for instructions. If the presence of low interstrip resistance regions is detected (see section XII of the QA document), set the "R Interstip_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "FAIL", otherwise "PASS".

XII. Depletion Voltage Data Entry

Entry of the depletion voltage is straight forward. From "Si Main", select "V Depletion", and then "Voltage Depletion Summary". This is the typical summary page. Data entry here is identical to that for section III, paragraph 1. A "Sequence #" must be entered, along with "Who", "Measurement Date", "Temperature" and "Humidity". There is also a "Comment" field.

Next, go to the "Voltage Depletion Data" page. Here the "Sequence #" has no real meaning. The "Depletion Voltage" should be entered in the proper column and the measurement "Method" entered next to it. The "Method" is a pull-down menu of either "CV" or "ALPHA SOURCE". Select whichever is appropriate for the data being entered.

If the depletion voltage is < 35V, set the "V Depletion_ok" menu field on "Si Main" to "PASS", otherwise "FAIL".