MVD APS talk - vertex finding

vertex finding

In the pseudo-tracking algorithm, all hit clusters on the outer barrel are connected with all hit clusters on the inner barrel, and projected onto the z-axis. This histogram shows the distribution of z-intercepts for one Au-Au collision. The arrow indicates the true vertex position at 5.56 cm. The pseudo-tracking method locates the highest bin, and found the vertex at 5.55 cm.

The efficiency and resolution of the vertex finding depend on the event multiplicity. In the top panel, for p+p events, the vertex is found in 70% of the cases, with an rms of 939 um. Delta-z is the difference between the true vertex and the found vertex z-position.

In the bottom panel, the results for Au+Au collisions are shown. Because of the much higher multiplicity, the efficiency is now 98%, with an rms of 177 um.