MVD APS talk - Rohacell support structures

Rohacell support structures

photograph of a c-cage This is a photograph of a so-called C-cage, machined out of Rohacell. 12 of these, stacked end-to-end, will make up one half of the MVD structure which carries the Silicon.

(Picture is from this source)

This is a side view of the Rohacell structures. (1) is the C-cage with the silicon panels (2)-(7) glued on.

Kapton cables feed the signals from the silicon strip detectors down to the Rohacell plenum (8), in which the front-end electronics is housed. The plenum forms a tunnel through which cooling air flows.

The outer enclosure (not shown) of the entire detector is also made out of Rohacell. The outer cyliindrical shell is 6mm thick, the inner shell, which wraps around the beam pipe, is 3mm thick, each one with Al foil on both sides),

(picture from this postscript source)