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VCAL RUNS - 600 mV

In this run, we delivered a calibration pulse to the mother board of one detector, which caused a fixed charge to be injected into all 32 channels simultaneously. The pulse height was such that on the AMU spy line, the pre-minus-post difference was 600 mV. (data for 70 and 200 mV are on the previous web pages)

Below are shown the pre-minus-post ADC distrubutions for the first 8 channels. For each of the distributions, a quick fit was done to find the peak location, and this peak is marked with a vertical line

Channels 2,3,4,7 and 8 seem to be dead. Channel 2 also seems to be noisy. For the 'good' channels 1,3,5 and 6, a fair fraction of the triggers resulted in 'no signal', as evidenced by the peak at zero. In addition, there is a flat background between the zero peak and the signal peak.

A postscript file with all channels (pgs 11-14 for 200 mV) can be seen here