Cooling Issues
MVD Mini-Review
February 24, 1996
J. Simon-Gillo
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Cooling MVD Front-End Electronics
Path of Airflow Through MVD System
MVD Schematic
Cooling Prototypes
Max T Reached By "MCMs"
Sketch of 6-Layer MCM Cooling Prototype
MCMs Cooled on Both Sides
Heat Spreading Over MCM
MCM Design
Temperature Reached By Electronics
Temperature Reached By MCMs vs Air Velocity
Temperature Reached By MCMs
MCM Temperature vs MCM Spacing
ESA Concerns and Suggestions
Accelerometer Tests
Response of Accelerometers As a Function of Air Velocity
Needed Information for Cooling Technological Choice
Dewpoint Mechanical Prototype
Cooling Parameters
Implications and Loose Ends
Safety Margins
ESA Cooling Studies and Air Cooling
Nosecones Prototype
Water Cooling