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References And Notes

  1. For a brief summary of the characteristics of Si strip detectors see: Particle Data Booklet, 1990 edition, pg 131; M. Aguilar-Benitez, et. al., Phys. Lett. B239, 1 (1990).

  2. S. Aronson, ``A Lepton/Photon Spectrometer for RHIC, Measurements of Lepton Pairs, Vector Mesons, and Photons,'' letter of intent: July 15, 1991.

  3. B. Nilsson-Almquist and W. Stenlund, Comput. Phys. Commun. 43, 387 (1987); the calculation here used: Standard lund parameters, GeV. Fritiof version 1.7, Jetset version 6.3.

  4. ROHACELL is a registered trademark. Available from Rohm Tech Inc. , 195 Canal St. Malden, MA 02148. It is a polymethyacrylimide foam.

  5. D. Beavis, eta. al., Fourth Workshop on Experiments and Detectors for a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, BNL report # 52262, 235 (1990), M. Fatyga and B. Moskowitz, eds.

  6. P. L. McGaughey, private communication. The vertex detector used in E789 at Fermilab is based on 50 pitch Si strips. This (currently operating) detector has 90% efficiency for an individual strip with about 1/1000 strips ``on'' due to noise.

  7. TALES/SPARHC Letter of Intent for a RHIC Experiment, P. H. Zhang et. al. , July 1991.

  8. A binomial distribution is appropriate if the probability that a particle will hit the vertex detector is the same for each particle and independent of the others.

  9. RHIC Bulletin, BNL, Vol. II, No. 3, Oct. 1991.

  10. D. Christian, et. al., IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., NS-36, 507 (1989).

  11. CDF vertex detector: W. C. Carithers, et. al. , Nucl. Inst. Meth. A289, 388 (1990).

  12. Delphi vertex detector: H. Dijkstra, et. al. , Nucl. Inst. Meth. A289, 400 (1990); Delphi Collaboration, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A303, 233 (1991).

  13. Fermilab E687 vertex detector: G. Bellini, et. al. , Nucl. Inst. Meth. A305, 395 (1991).

  14. Mark II vertex detector: C. Adolphsen, et. al. , SLAC Report No. SLAC-PUB-5543, 1991 (unpublished); (to be published).

  15. Brief descriptions of some existing vertex detectors appear in: Nucl. Inst. Meth. A305, 621 (1991).

  16. Hammamatsu Photonics K.K. , Solid State Division, US address: Hammamatsu Corp. , 360 Foothill Road, P.O. Box 6910, Bridgewater, NJ, 08807-0910.

  17. Micron Semiconductor Inc., Lancing, England.

  18. CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

  19. Ikeda, Japan.

  20. L. Van der Have, Silicon Dynamics Inc., Ames, Iowa.

  21. Oasis Collaboration, RHIC Letter of Intent, R. Debbe et. al. , July 1991.

  22. B. Wadsworth, MIT, this conference.

  23. C. Britton, ORNL, this conference.

  24. S. Kleinfelder et. al., Proc. IEEE NSS Symp. 1987; ibid, 1989.

  25. G. T. Alley, C. L. Britton, E. J. Kennedy, P. Skubic, ORNL; T. Zimmerman and R. J. Yarema. Some details presented at IEEE Nuc. Sci. Symp., Santa Fe, NM (1991).

  26. S. Kleinfelder, LBL, Berkeley, CA. private communication. To be manufactured by UTMC, Colorado Springs, CO.

  27. H. Spieler, LBL, Berkeley, CA.

  28. D. Dorfan, S.C.I.P.P., Santa Cruz, CA.

  29. S. Ozaki, Nucl. Phys. A525, 125c (1991).

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