Up: The Vertex Detector For
Previous: Conclusions
- For a brief summary of the characteristics of Si strip detectors see:
Particle Data Booklet, 1990 edition, pg 131; M. Aguilar-Benitez,
et. al., Phys. Lett. B239, 1 (1990).
- S. Aronson et.al., ``A Lepton/Photon Spectrometer for RHIC,
Measurements of
Lepton Pairs, Vector Mesons, and Photons,'' letter of intent: July 15, 1991.
- B. Nilsson-Almquist and W. Stenlund, Comput. Phys. Commun.
43, 387 (1987); the calculation here used:
Standard lund parameters,
GeV. Fritiof version 1.7,
Jetset version 6.3.
- ROHACELL is a registered trademark. Available from Rohm Tech Inc. ,
195 Canal St. Malden, MA 02148. It is a polymethyacrylimide foam.
- D. Beavis, eta. al.,
Fourth Workshop on Experiments and Detectors for a Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider, BNL report # 52262, 235 (1990), M. Fatyga and
B. Moskowitz, eds.
- P. L. McGaughey, private communication.
The vertex detector used in E789 at Fermilab is based on 50
Si strips. This (currently operating) detector has
90% efficiency
for an individual strip with about 1/1000 strips ``on'' due to noise.
- TALES/SPARHC Letter of Intent for a RHIC Experiment,
P. H. Zhang et. al. , July 1991.
- A binomial distribution is appropriate if the probability that a
particle will hit the vertex detector is the same for each particle and
independent of the others.
- RHIC Bulletin, BNL, Vol. II, No. 3, Oct. 1991.
- D. Christian, et. al., IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., NS-36,
507 (1989).
- CDF vertex detector: W. C. Carithers, et. al. , Nucl. Inst.
Meth. A289, 388 (1990).
- Delphi vertex detector: H. Dijkstra, et. al. , Nucl. Inst.
Meth. A289, 400 (1990); Delphi Collaboration, Nucl. Inst.
Meth. A303, 233 (1991).
- Fermilab E687 vertex detector: G. Bellini, et. al. ,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. A305, 395 (1991).
- Mark II vertex detector:
C. Adolphsen, et. al. , SLAC Report No. SLAC-PUB-5543, 1991 (unpublished);
(to be published).
- Brief descriptions of some existing vertex detectors appear in:
Nucl. Inst.
Meth. A305, 621 (1991).
- Hammamatsu Photonics K.K. , Solid State Division, US address: Hammamatsu
Corp. , 360 Foothill Road, P.O. Box 6910, Bridgewater, NJ, 08807-0910.
- Micron Semiconductor Inc., Lancing, England.
- CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
- Ikeda, Japan.
- L. Van der Have, Silicon Dynamics Inc., Ames, Iowa.
- Oasis Collaboration, RHIC Letter of Intent, R. Debbe et. al. ,
July 1991.
- B. Wadsworth, MIT, this conference.
- C. Britton, ORNL, this conference.
- S. Kleinfelder et. al., Proc. IEEE NSS Symp. 1987;
ibid, 1989.
- G. T. Alley, C. L. Britton, E. J. Kennedy, P. Skubic, ORNL;
T. Zimmerman and R. J. Yarema. Some details presented at IEEE Nuc. Sci.
Symp., Santa Fe, NM (1991).
- S. Kleinfelder, LBL, Berkeley, CA.
private communication. To be manufactured by UTMC, Colorado Springs, CO.
- H. Spieler, LBL, Berkeley, CA.
- D. Dorfan, S.C.I.P.P., Santa Cruz, CA.
- S. Ozaki, Nucl. Phys.
A525, 125c (1991).
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