This is a sketch of the current DAQ. Except for the Data Distributor, this is
what has been in use since the '96 beam test.
The not-yet-implemented DD is an event pool which can serve other processes,
such as an event display or a tape writer.
There are two main programs running on the HP:
- MVD-control: this is a standalone program that is used to set up the
boards by talking, via VME and CAMAC, to the serial lines of the test boards.
It can also read the data back from the CAMAC memory module, where the test
boards dump them. This program can be used for most of the testing.
- CODA: this is a data acquisition system which is used when lots of data
is flowing in and needs to be saved. Currently data is save onto disk directly
in the form of an ntuple. This is convenient except for the fact that it tends
to fill up the disk.
Big arrows indicate data flow, small ones are command and control.