Hi Toshi and others.
        After talking to Hubert, John, Allen and Ju and a little bit of
study by myself, I made drawings of which channel in detector goes to
ADC #1 in MCM. It's 
http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/~ryu/public/mvdinc++/pad.gif and 


        Strip detector was agreed between Hubert, Allen and myself
but nobody was sure about pad detectors. I would like you to check
orientation of arrows in the strip and pad drawings to see if they are
correct. Arrows in the strip drawing start at channel #0 and end at
channel #255. Blue arrows in pad drawing starts at channel #2 and end at
channel #231 increasing by 21. Red arrows in pad drawing means channel
number increases by 1 in that direction. So last channel (#251) in pad
detector is at the opposite corner of first channel (#2). The channel
number I use in this mail is adc channel number in MCM counting from 0.

Best regards,

Added by Hubert: I have a slide that shows the connections on one corner of the pads. Here is a crude rendition of this slide:


so the last channel is on the upper right, and channel 2 is off the picture on the lower left.

Last update 29 May 2001 - HvH