How to move the xy table control panel

If you want to move the LED, the mcm_read user interface has a button to pop up a panel for stepping motor controlling, which is named as 'MM3000'. Its usage is reasonably obvious. Using this panel, you can move the LED anywhere you want and monitor the current position. If you want to move the LED, +x is away from the computer (and in the direction of increasing strip number) and -x is towards the computer (decreasing strip number). 100 "steps" corresponds to 200 microns (the strip pitch). If you want to adjst "y", +y is away from the front (i.e. where you usually stand while working) of the table and away from the power/comm board.

codecommandargumentsfunction, note
126init-stepper -initialize the stepping motor
127move dir steps motion in 'dir' direction by 'steps' steps
128xhome -x home search
129yhome -y home search
130read-pos -read the current position of the laser

last update: 15-Dec-2000
John Sullivan (