PHENIX MVD OPERATION IN THE PEH procedure name PHENIX Procedure No. PP-xxxxxxxx Revision: A Date: 7-7-2000 Hand Processed Changes HPC No. Date Page No. Initials _________________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Approvals _______________________________ _______________________________________ PHENIX S E & I Date Cognizant Scientist/ Date Engineer/Activity Manager ______________________________ ______________________________________ PHENIX /Safety Date CA-D ES&H Date ______________________________ ______________________________________ Operating Procedure of MVD for the 2000 Run 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the plan for operation of the PHENIX MVD subsystem in the PEH (PHENIX Experimental Hall) during the 2000 run. This plan will ensure: A. the safety of all personnel from risks associated with the operation of the bias voltage systems required to power MVD silicon bias voltage, B. the implementation of the appropriate emergency approaches, C. prompt notification of the appropriate C-AD and S&EP specialists, D. the maintenance of appropriate C-AD emergency status, E. the preservation and protection of the environment, and F. the preservation of BNL facilities and equipment. 2.0 Responsibilities During the 2000 run, there will be two levels of responsibility for the oversight of the MVD subsystem. The first level of responsibility will be the PHENIX Shift Crew. Prior to data taking, there will be a period of MVD commissioning when MVD is tested before the IR is closed and the MVD becomes inaccessible. During the commissioning phase, the MVD Bias and LV systems will be monitored primarily by the team of MVD Experts. A record of the performance of the MVD system will be kept by the experts. During data taking, it will be the responsibility of the PHENIX Shift Crew to: 2.1 monitor the status and alarms for the MVD LV system according to a prescribed check off list at least once a shift (eight hours) 2.2 In the event of an alarm or irregularity, contact an expert from the Expert Call List given in Appendix A. The second level of responsibility is the MVD Experts. It is the responsibility of the MVD Experts to: 2.3 maintain the MVD subsystem in a safe operating condition. This includes: 2.3.1 setting, adjusting, and checking the Bias and LV power supplies, 2.3.2 setting, adjusting, and checking the cooling gas flow rate and temperature, 2.3.3 setting, adjusting, and checking the liquid cooling flow rate and temperature, 2.3.3 monitoring temperature of the MCM's, and motherboards 2.3.4 post any special instructions or notifications as required, and carrying out any emergency action, as prescribed in the Procedures section of this document. 3.0 Prerequisites The MVD Experts shall have read or have training in the following areas: 3.1 GET (HP-V-001) 3.2 C-A Dept. User Access training 3.3 RHIC Access & PHENIX IR Access Training, 3.4 BNL Rad-worker I (RWT-002 or RWT 150 or RWT 150C), 3.5 BNL Haz-Com (HP-IND-200 and 200R/220R) 3.6 BNL Stop Work (GE-STOPWORK) 3.7 BNL Emergency Response (GE-EMERGPLAN) 3.8 BNL Environmental Protection Course (GE-ENV-GET) 3.10 PHENIX Access Awareness document 3.11 Emergency Procedures for the PHENIX experiment 3.12 PHENIX MVD subsystem specific training, 3.13 Geographical layout of the experimental area (routes of egress, location of emergency equipment, phones and controls) The MVD Experts shall train all personnel involved in the MVD running in the safe operation of the MVD Bias and LV systems. 4.0 Precautions The safety of personnel is of primary importance. The MVD Experts and Shift Crew members shall take great care to ensure that the MVD subsystem will be operated in a way that does not place personnel at risk of physical harm. 4.1 Bias Voltage system precautions: The Bias power supplies are current limited to less than 256 microamp per channel. All Bias points are enclosed within the MVD enclosure in order to eliminate the danger to personnel. 4.2 LV system precautions: MVD utilizes high current low voltage (+5, +/- 7.5, +-12V) power supplies to provide power required by FEM and ancillary electronics crates to operate. This power is delivered from the standard Phenix LV power supply crate to the detector and distributed among the crates. Because the voltage is low, LV wires may stay energized while doors are open to allow test-work on FEM crates and ancillary controls systems. 5.0 Standard Operating Procedures 5.1 Bias system Procedures: In normal operations the experimental hall will be closed to personnel making access to any Bias point impossible. Under such conditions, follow this procedure for turning on the Bias: 5.1.1 Since the silicon bias voltage is essentially static and typical power dissipation is 10uW per detector (with 42 detectors total). The thereshold for rejecting a detector is 1 mW. Therefore the Bias system is not a significant safety threat. 5.1.4 Check that the ramp up rate for each Bias supply is appropriate. 5.1.5 Ramp up the Bias. 5.1.10 When ramping is complete, verify that the operating currents are appropriate. 5.2 Bias system Procedures: Turning off bias voltage to MVD silicon bias. 5.2.1 Begin ramping down the Bias. 5.2.2 Verify by the read back that the Bias is off the system. 7.0 Documentation 7.1 All MVD systems are documented on the web, at 8.0 References 8.1 C-AD-OPM 3.16, “Local Emergency Plan for the PHENIX detector building 1008 Complex.” 8.2 BNL SBMS. Appendix Call list for the MVD subsystem experts Alan Hansen x???? Sangsu Ryu x???? Ju Kang x????