Calendar of MVD/Phenix related activities

If you have corrections or additional items, please submit them here.

Here is the old calendar.
  (the dates marked on the scale are Sundays)

 --> <----------June-------------> <-------------July-----------> <---August--
 28     4      11     18     25     2      9      16     23     30     6      
   30-------9                     Hubert core, shift
        4----10                   John at bnl
         5---10?                  Jan  at bnl
                12-16             LANL workshop
                       19----     MVD installation
                                  Hubert vacation 16----------- 
 28     4      11     18
 --> <----------June-------------> <-------------July-----------> <---August--

  all shifts:

  May 8-13        Dave            (SA2, Physicist)
  May 11-16       John            (SA1, Owl)
  May 14-19       Alan            (OS,  Physicist)
  June 5-10       Rusty           (SA2, Rooster)
  June 3-8        Hubert          (OS,  Vampire)
  June 23-28      Ming            (OS,  Rooster)
  July 4-9        Melynda         (SA1, Owl)
  July 9-14       Joel            (SA2, Vampire)
  July 20-25      Peter           (SA2, Vampire)
  July 24-29      Mike Bennet     (SA1, Day)
  July 26-31      Mike Leitch     (SA1, Evening)
  August 19-24    Mike Bennet     (SA1, Evening)
Shift definitions are here.

Sangsu at BNL: june,july?

Last update 31 May 2000 - HvH