MVD calibrations - run 5

SHIFTER INSTRUCTIONS: for the time being, since the MVD is not in the Big Partition, the MVD experts (IhnJea Choi, Hubert van Hecke) will do these calibrations.

These scripts are derived from the scripts on this page.

Short version:
  • Make sure the MVD is not in the Big Partition, then plug in the pulser trigger cable (red label 'MVD pulser trigger') into the MVD GTM module (rack PRR 3.5, top crate, slot 10, top spigot, labeled 'MVD')
  • Log in as phnxrc on phoncsc
  • Do a --> MVD --> complete
  • Do ts iocondev4b to keep an eye on rc
  • cd to /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/
  • typing brings up this gui: - - - - - - - - - - -->
  • click on the MVD ped/amu button
  • watch the action on the terminal screen till it finishes
    total time: about 7 minutes
  • click on the MVD thresholds button
  • watch the action on the terminal screen till it finishes
    total time: about 5 minutes
  • In the iocondev4b window, do <CTRL>] and quit to close it
  • Go unplug the trigger cable from the GTM
Long version
Much of what follows is for experts
The following files and actions are involved:

.   = button 'MVD ped/amu' calls /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/
.   .   = open logfile /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd_cal.log
.   .   = get run number from /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber which is copied 
.   .     from /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/rc/sw/run_number.txt
.   .   = run rc -standalone   
.         input commands from /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/rc_nop.input
.         Just does a wait and quit. This is some leftove magic from the past.  
.   .   = run rc -standalone   
.         input commands from /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd.input
.         Does a dDOWNLOAD, and collects 2500 events of calibdata
.   .   = call /home/phnxmvd/calib/ped_process_calib.csh
.   .   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/ that actually got used
.   .   .   .   .   = looks in $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata/ for *MVD*
.       .   .   .   = makes /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber_new 
.   .   .   = eventcombiner  $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata/     *mvd*
.   .   .   =  root  -< /phnxmvd/calib/run/calib_ped.inp
.   .   .   .   .   =      /phnxmvd/calib/run/mvdamu_run4.C
.          .   .   .   => /phnxmvd/calib/run/out.txt
.          .   .   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/run/mvd*.ped
.   .   .   = tar mvd*.ped to make ped.tar
.   .   .   = move to /home/phnxmvd/ped_files/ped$run.tar
.   .   .
.   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/install_ped_files.csh 
.   .   .   = reads /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber_new
.   .   .   =  copy and untar mvd_ped_$run.tar to 
.   .   .        /export/software/online_configuration/pedestals/mvd/mvd*.ped
.   .   . 
.   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/
.   .   .   = checks /home/phnxmvd/calib/run/mvd*.ped
.   .   .
.   .   = close logfile /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd_cal.log
.   = button 'MVD thresholds' calls /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/
.   .   = open logfile /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd_cal.log
.   .   = in /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/thresholds/mvd/, 
.   .     tar mvd*.thresh files to temp.tar
.   .   = untar mvd_thresh_all_zero.tar there
.   .   = get run number from /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber which is copied 
.   .     from /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/rc/sw/run_number.txt
.   .   = run rc -standalone   
.   .     input commands from /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/rc_nop.input
.   .     Just does a wait and quit. This is some leftove magic from the past.  
.   .   = run rc -standalone   again
.   .     input commands from /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd.input
.   .     Does a DOWNLOAD, and collects 2500 events of calibdata
.   .   = immediately restore threshold files mvd*.thresh from
.   .     /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/thresholds/mvd/temp.tar
.   .   = call /home/phnxmvd/calib/process_calib.csh
.   .   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/ that actually got used
.       .   .   .   = looks in $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata/ for *MVD*
.       .   .   .   = makes /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber_new 
.   .   .   = eventcombiner  $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata/     *mvd*
.   .   .   = root -< /phnxmvd/calib/run/check.inp
.   .   .       .     /phnxmvd/calib/run/check.C
.   .   .       .  -> /phnxmvd/calib/run/out2.txt 
.   .   .   = root -< /phnxmvd/calib/run/calcthr.inp
.   .   .       .     /phnxmvd/calib/run/calcthr.C
.   .   .       .  -> /phnxmvd/calib/run/out3.txt
.   .   .          makes   /phnxmvd/calib/run/mvd*.thresh
.   .   .   = tar mvd*.thresh to make /phnxmvd/calib/run/thresh$run.tar
.   .   .   = copy to /home/phnxmvd/threshold_files/thresh$run.tar
.   .   .   = make /home/phnxmvd/calib/run/mvdsummary$nnn.txt.gz
.   .   .
.   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/install_thresh_files.csh 
.   .   .   = reads /home/phnxmvd/calib/runnumber_new
.   .   .   =  copy  /home/phnxmvd/threshold_files/thresh$run.tar to 
.   .   .        /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/thresholds/mvd/mvd_thresh_$run.tar
.   .   .      untar to /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/thresholds/mvd/mvd$nnn.thresh
.   .   = /home/phnxmvd/calib/
.   .   .   = checks /home/phnxmvd/calib/run/mvd*.thresh
.   .
.   .   = close logfile /home/phnxrc/mvd/calib/mvd_cal.log
.   .
.   end buttons
end gui

Last update 31 Jan 2004 - Hubert van Hexke
back to the MVD info page